Online Business – Flippa Mon, 15 Jan 2024 06:19:36 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Online Business – Flippa 32 32 9 Essential Tips to Enhance User Experience in High-Converting Landing Pages Sun, 17 Sep 2023 19:09:38 +0000 Your landing page is one of the key elements of the sales conversion puzzle. When you have high-converting landing pages, prospective customers from all over can learn more about what you offer. They can also see why this benefits them and how they can get more information or make a purchase.

But landing pages don’t just convert on autopilot. There are several steps you must take to improve the user experience. Eventually, with the right actions taken, you can create a lead conversion machine that constantly picks up new prospective customers.

But what are these steps? What must you do to turn your landing page into a hotbed of conversion activity? In this article, we’ll walk you through what makes a landing page great before advising on specific steps you can take to enhance your landing page user experience.

What Makes a Landing Page Great?

One of the best ways to create a high-converting landing page is to examine the success of others. By looking at what some of the biggest and best names in the industry are doing or not doing, you can identify tactics that resonate with your target audience. 

Let’s take a look at one such example. 

Clean Origin’s diamond landing page, pictured below, exemplifies what a high-converting destination for potential customers looks like. 

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So, what is this page doing right that so many others get wrong? 

Here are a few key reasons this landing page is effective in capturing and converting leads:

Visually Engaging Design 

The landing page greets visitors with a visually engaging design showcasing the beauty and brilliance of Clean Origin’s diamonds. High-quality images and a clean layout instantly grab attention and create a positive first impression. 

The carefully selected visuals evoke a sense of luxury and elegance, reinforcing the desirability of Clean Origin’s products.

Clear and Compelling Value Proposition 

The landing page effectively communicates Clean Origin’s value proposition. The headline and subheadline emphasize the brand’s commitment to ethically created lab-grown diamonds, appealing to customers seeking sustainable and socially responsible options. 

The concise and persuasive messaging highlights the unique selling points of Clean Origin, instilling trust and generating interest.

Streamlined Product Selection

The landing page offers a streamlined product selection process. The interactive search filters allow visitors to easily refine their search based on various criteria. This can include diamond shape, cut, carat, and more. 

This user-friendly interface enables a seamless and personalized browsing experience, empowering visitors to find their ideal diamond quickly.

Detailed Product Information

Each diamond listing on the landing page provides comprehensive details and specifications, including cut, color, clarity, and certification. 

This level of transparency and information empowers potential customers to make informed decisions and builds credibility for Clean Origin. By providing all necessary information upfront, the landing page removes friction in the purchasing process and instills confidence in visitors.

Now that you understand the elements of a high-converting landing page, let’s discuss the various ways you can enhance your page’s user experience.

1. Write in an Easy-to-Understand Language 

High-converting landing pages are crucial for any business. These are the first interaction points between your product and potential customers, so they must be meticulous. 

When we mention design, we refer to your page’s visual elements, like images, layout, navigation menu, videos, etc. But, the design goes far beyond those elements. Your design includes everything, right down to the words you select.

You must make sure that your landing page copy is easy-to-understand and appeals to your target audience. 

If you talk above their heads, you’ll confuse them, and they’ll look elsewhere. If you over-simplify, you’ll bore or insult them. Once again, the result is that they’ll leave without clicking through.

When we refer to the written language on your site, it means everything from your headline to your body content and image captions.

Start with a compelling headline that instantly grabs their attention. Make sure it articulates your value proposition in a way that anyone can understand. Then, pay careful attention to every word that comes out of your keyboard. Think about your target audience with every keystroke and craft content that fits into their experience and knowledge levels. 

An important tool that can significantly enhance your landing page content experience is text-to-speech software. It provides an alternative method for users to consume content. It also makes the page more accessible for visually impaired users or more convenient for those who prefer audio content. 

This software can read out your landing page content, providing a more inclusive and accessible experience. It can increase your potential audience pool and, ultimately, conversion rates.

2. Deliver a Seamless, Hassle-Free Experience

Another important element of any successful landing page is functionality. You want to guarantee that the user experience is seamless and free of all hassles.

If you create a page that’s buggy, slow, or involves jumping through unnecessary extra hoops, you’re going to drive away your target audience.

That’s why it’s crucial to prioritize usability when designing this page. Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself what they want to see and what kind of issues might prevent them from converting.

Make sure that the page loads quickly and that all images populate. 

Give a lot of thought to messaging consistency and how easy it is to understand your landing page the first time someone arrives. Finally, give careful consideration to your call to action. The conversion process should be straightforward. 

3. Keep Your Website Design Simple

Speaking of simplicity, it’s something to remember when conceiving the initial landing page design. 

You might go overboard when designing the page, overloading it with visual elements, flashing graphics, and a litany of information. But, when designing a landing page, less really can be more. You don’t want to overload the visitor or confuse them with an outside-the-box design or a not immediately noticeable CTA. 

The landing page for TSplus is perfectly designed for businesses seeking efficient and secure remote desktop solutions. It manages to stylishly streamline toward conversion. 

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The page, as seen above, immediately presents a clear and concise value proposition. The headline and subheadline communicate TSplus’ expertise in remote desktop solutions, highlighting the benefits of enhanced productivity, cost savings, and secure access. 

This succinct messaging effectively captures the attention of potential customers and establishes the value of TSplus’ offerings.

The landing page also features a visually appealing design incorporating relevant imagery, clean layouts, and strategic colors without ever overloading the visitor. The design elements are carefully selected to evoke professionalism, reliability, and technological expertise. 

The visual appeal enhances user engagement, creates a positive first impression, and contributes to a high-converting experience.

4. Adopt a Clear and Concise Writing Style 

We touched on writing earlier, discussing how it should be easy to understand for the benefit of your potential customers. But it’s equally important not to overload your visitors with complicated language. Doing so could confuse them or divert their purchase intent. 

Keep your landing page concise enough to convey the value proposition and demonstrate how you can help alleviate ‌customer pain points. They can continue to your main site if they want more information. Offering just enough information to encourage further exploration of your site can be a successful landing page tactic. 

LeatherCult, a leading brand specializing in premium leather products and jackets for both men and women, sets itself apart by emphasizing exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. It does this by creating concise copy that articulates why its products are perfect for its audience. 

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On its landing page, pictured above, LeatherCult showcases how its products are meticulously crafted by hand, using only the finest raw materials with headlines and brief but detailed descriptions.

5. Simplify the Navigation Menu 

Your navigation menu is an important landing page element. The menu interface opens the rest of your site to potential customers. 

Make sure the menu is in a central spot, someplace like the header or lefthand side of your page. The navigation menu should also be a static element of the page. If they scroll down, the menu should remain visible. 

Getting an interested prospect to continue on your site is easier if they don’t have to scroll and search for the navigation menu. 

Just mark the menu clearly and make it easy to understand. 

6. Personalize Content Based on User Behavior 

Personalization is a word that comes up a lot around modern marketing. Customers today, more than ever, want a personalized user experience that feels like you created it specifically for them. 

That’s why it’s important to know everything you can about your target audience and divide them into segments. Creating separate landing pages attached to marketing campaigns aimed at specific audience segments becomes a simple matter. 

To improve the end-user experience on high-converting landing pages, using Composable CDP software can make all the difference. This service allows you to customize landing page content based on visitor information and preferences. That means you can offer a more relevant and engaging experience, providing users with what they need or what they are looking for. 

Using a CDP, you can create specific audience segments. It then becomes easy to create customized offers and use real-time data to tailor the message and layout of landing pages.

Additionally, you can allow the user to personalize their own experience, like in our next example. 

Surety Systems, a leading consulting firm, has taken a user-centric approach to enhance user experience and conversion rates on its landing pages. 

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By integrating brief contact forms with multiple options, Surety Systems empowers users to select the specific problems they are facing. This personalized approach not only streamlines the user’s journey but also allows the Surety Systems team to provide tailored consulting solutions. 

When addressing the needs of its users promptly, the company guarantees a higher chance of conversion and a more satisfying user experience

7. Include Customer Testimonials 

Social proof can go a long way in today’s marketing world. Potential customers are far more likely to put weight on the testimonials and success stories of your satisfied customers than any corporate messaging. 

Including testimonials and positive results on your landing page can inject some social proof into your page. That can work to mobilize your target audience into action. 

Put yourself in the shoes of a customer interested in buying your product. 

After thoroughly researching many companies, you start browsing websites. While you come across visually appealing designs and compelling product descriptions, there’s a lingering feeling that something crucial is missing, although you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. 

Meanwhile, you recall House of Joppa, a retailer specializing in Catholic necklaces and other items. When you visit its e-commerce platform, there’s a notable difference. Under each product listing, it displays not only the number of reviews, but the corresponding rating stars. 

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After clicking on a specific product, you get a comprehensive collection of customer reviews at the bottom of each page. 

It suddenly becomes clear to you what was absent from the other websites — social proof and customer reviews.

If you can include social proof in the form of visual media, you can make an even more powerful statement. By showcasing the results of a product with striking before and after images, you can demonstrate the effectiveness of your offerings. This tactic can ultimately push landing page visitors toward a conversion. 

The landing page for ForHers’ minoxidil product shows how this can work for individuals seeking effective hair loss solutions for women. 

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You can find customer testimonials and before/after images on the page that provide the social proof we’re discussing. 

By featuring real experiences and visible transformations, ForHers demonstrates the positive impact of its minoxidil product. This social proof adds credibility and reassures potential customers that they are making a sound choice.

8. Use High-Resolution Images 

The images you choose to include on your landing pages should be high resolution. Choosing striking and clear images that make an impression is important. 

Unfortunately, you’ll never get that desired initial impact if these images are blurry or too small. You can prevent this by double-checking image resolution and compressing the images you choose to ensure their resolution doesn’t slow your site’s performance. 

If you include video content, the same rules apply. The video should be high quality with professional editing. It also needs to be accessible. 

If you have videos on your landing pages, invest in an AI subtitle generator to enhance the user experience. An AI subtitle generator can automatically add subtitles to your videos so your audience can understand this valuable content. 

9. Showcase Credibility with Badges and Certifications 

When trying to improve your landing page conversion rate, you need to prove your credibility and establish trust in your audience. It’s a space that can help you generate authority. 

To accomplish this, showcase any certifications or badges your business has received. If you’ve won any awards, that can also be something to highlight. The more accolades you can tout, the more meaningful and impactful your messaging will be. 


The landing page is the face of your business. It’s a key element that’ll help you drive business. Enhancing its user experience is crucial to converting visitors into customers.

Keep these nine tips in your business plan and reference them when designing your next landing page. You’ll be able to create a winning online presence with a sky-high landing page conversion rate. 

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Price Competition: How Value Proposition Helps Sun, 03 Sep 2023 16:23:31 +0000 Prices are not the only thing customers look out for when shopping. In fact, the first emotion a prospective customer has when they first discover your business is curiosity. They are curious to know why they should choose you. “Why should I buy from you versus your competition?”

This is where a killer value proposition comes in. While most businesses believe that pricing their products lower will bring in more customers, having the right value proposition is what will build you a strong foundation for long-term profitability and growth. 

The customer is already overwhelmed by the flood of options when choosing an effective product or service. They are on the lookout for something that genuinely addresses their needs, solves their problems, or fulfills their desires.

A powerful value proposition helps you connect with them by highlighting the value they can get by buying from you. It’s a simple, concise, and memorable statement summarizing the features and benefits that make you stand out from the competition.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about value proposition and how to price your products right without affecting your overall margins.

Understand Your Loyal Customers

Knowing your customers inside out is like having a secret weapon up your sleeve. It’s like telepathy that lets you read their minds and anticipate their every desire. 


There are a few steps you need to follow to achieve that:

  1. Market research. With thorough market research, you can learn about customer preferences, pain points, and buying behaviors. This data empowers you to customize your offerings and craft a compelling value proposition that builds trust and connects with your audience.
  1. Identify Pain Points and Desires. Customers seek more than just products or services; they want solutions to their problems and desires. It is essential to understand their pain points, the challenges they face, and the obstacles they want to overcome to create a compelling value proposition. Additionally, identifying their desires, aspirations, and dreams allows businesses to tap into their emotions and forge a deep connection with them.
  1. Analyze Competitors’ Offerings. To stand out from the competition, it’s essential to understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge allows you to position your value proposition uniquely, not by copying others, but by finding innovative ways to better meet your customers’ needs. 

What Makes For An Effective Value Proposition

Research shows that only about 69% of B2B businesses have an established value proposition, and very few of those are well-optimized. 

To create an effective value proposition, focus on your customers. Understand their needs and desires, and show them how your product or service can solve their problems or fulfill their aspirations.


Keep your messaging simple and easy to understand, avoiding complicated terms that might confuse your audience. Whenever possible, include quantifiable benefits to add credibility, like cost savings, time efficiency, or increased revenue that your product delivers.

Appeal to your customer’s emotions as well as their rational side. Understanding their feelings of joy, security, status, or convenience can create a deeper connection and influence their decision-making.

Be specific about the outcomes customers can expect, tailored to their needs. Back up your value proposition with evidence like testimonials, case studies, or customer reviews to build trust and credibility.

Stay relevant and timely, adapting your value proposition to align with current market needs and trends. Consistency is key, so ensure your messaging remains the same across all channels.

Creating a Unique and Customer-Centric Value Proposition

Creating a unique and customer-centric value proposition is all about putting your customers front and center. It’s about crafting a clear and compelling statement that tells them exactly why your product or service is the best choice for them. Here’s how to do it:

  • Customer-Centric Approach. Start by understanding your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct market research, analyze feedback, and observe their behavior to uncover what matters most to them.
  • Address Specific Needs. Tailor your value proposition to address your target audience’s specific needs and challenges. Show them how your offering solves their problems or fulfills their desires.
  • Unique Selling Point. Identify what sets your product or service apart from the competition. Highlight your unique selling point (USP) and clearly communicate why it makes you better or different.
  • Clear and Simple Language. Use straightforward language that your customers can easily understand. Avoid technical jargon or complex terms that might confuse them.
  • Quantifiable Benefits. Whenever possible, include measurable benefits to make your value proposition more convincing. This could be in the form of cost savings, time efficiency, or any other measurable impact.
  • Emphasize the Value. Show customers the value they’ll get from choosing your offering. Whether it’s convenience, quality, or an emotional benefit, make it clear how they’ll benefit.
  • Consistency Across Channels. Ensure that your value proposition is consistent across all marketing channels. This helps reinforce your message and builds brand recognition.
  • Customer Testimonials or Case Studies. To add credibility, include customer testimonials or case studies that showcase positive experiences and results.

What a Clear Value Proposition Looks Like

A clear value proposition is a straightforward and compelling statement that tells customers exactly why they should choose your product or service. It should be easy to understand and stand out from your competitors. 

Here are examples of what a clear value proposition looks like:

Unique Differentiation. A clear value proposition highlights what makes your offering special and different from others in the market. It sets you apart and gives customers a good reason to choose you over your competitors.

Example: “Our eco-friendly cleaning products use all-natural ingredients, making your home spotless without harming the environment.”

Specific Benefits. It clearly communicates the benefits customers will gain from using your product or service. Be specific about the problems you solve or the needs you fulfill.

Example: “Get a restful night’s sleep with our memory foam mattress, designed to provide exceptional back support and comfort.”

Target Audience. Identify the specific group of potential customers you are catering to. This helps you tailor your message directly to their needs and preferences.

Example: “Perfect for busy professionals, our meal kit delivery service offers delicious and easy-to-cook recipes that save you time and hassle.”

Quantifiable Value. Whenever possible, include measurable results or statistics that show the value customers can expect.

Example: “Our online language course guarantees you’ll learn basic conversational skills in just 30 days or your money back.”

Alternative Pricing Strategies Beyond Lowering Prices

Price competition is a losing battle for many businesses. Constantly crashing prices can hurt your profit margins and undermine the unique value your brand offers. Furthermore, many businesses have been forced to raise prices as a result of the effects of increasing inflation. 

Fortunately, there are smarter and more effective approaches to stand out from the competition without hurting your baseline. These strategies are designed to create value for customers without sacrificing profitability: 


Bundling involves packaging multiple products or services together at a slightly lower price than buying them individually. This approach entices customers by offering perceived value and cost savings. 

For instance, a software company might bundle a suite of tools together, making it a more economical choice than purchasing each tool separately.

Tiered Pricing

With tiered pricing, businesses offer different levels of products or services at varying price points to cater to customers with different needs and budgets. Each tier includes a specific set of features or benefits, allowing customers to choose the level that best suits their requirements. 


This business strategy can appeal to a wider audience and ensure that customers find an option that fits their specific needs. For instance, a streaming service might offer basic, standard, and premium plans, each with varying video quality and simultaneous streaming options.

Emphasizing Quality

Instead of getting into a price war, you can choose to emphasize the quality and superiority of your products or services. Positioning them as premium and of higher value allows you to set a higher price point. 

Customers who value top-notch quality and exceptional experiences are willing to pay more for the added value they receive. For instance, a luxury fashion brand may justify higher prices by showcasing the use of premium materials and craftsmanship.

Subscription-Based Model

In this business model, your business offers products or services through a recurring payment plan. Customers subscribe to receive regular deliveries, ongoing access to content, or exclusive perks. 

The predictability of revenue from subscriptions allows you to invest in improving your offerings and customer experiences. Streaming platforms, meal kit services, and subscription boxes are examples of businesses that have successfully adopted this pricing strategy. 

Loyalty Programs

loyalty programs are designed to reward target customers for their repeat business and encourage ongoing engagement. Your customers earn points, discounts, or exclusive benefits based on their loyalty and continued purchases.

Balancing Value and Profitability

When it comes to running a successful business, finding the right balance between delivering value to customers and maintaining healthy profit margins is crucial. While it might seem tempting to slash prices to attract more customers, such a strategy could lead to a race to the bottom, compromising profitability in the long run. 

Instead, smart businesses focus on offering compelling value propositions that resonate with their target audience while still ensuring they remain profitable. Here’s how to strike that balance:

  • Acknowledge the Importance of Profitability. Before diving into value-driven strategies, you must recognize the significance of profitability. Your profitability sustains operations, enables growth, and secures your company’s future. Without adequate profits, you won’t be able to invest in innovation, customer experience, or employee development.
  • Understand Customer Perception. To create a strong value proposition that resonates, you need to understand how your current and future customers perceive value. Remember, value is not just about low prices; it’s about the benefits your customers receive from your product or service compared to what they pay for it. Consider factors like quality, convenience, uniqueness, and emotional satisfaction when assessing value.
  • Optimize Costs and Improve Efficiency. To offer value without compromising profits, focus on cost optimization and operational efficiency. Identify areas where costs can be reduced or processes streamlined to improve your bottom line. This could involve renegotiating with suppliers, adopting technology to automate tasks, or eliminating unnecessary overhead.
  • Tailor Your Marketing Strategies. Customize your marketing efforts to specific customer segments to communicate your succinct value proposition more effectively. Understand each segment’s unique needs and pain points, allowing you to showcase how your products or services address those specific concerns, leading to higher perceived value.
  • Emphasize Quality Over Quantity. Put a spotlight on quality over mass production. Offering premium products or services with superior craftsmanship, durability, or performance can justify higher prices, attracting customers who seek long-term value and are willing to pay for it.
  • Be Agile and Adaptable. Markets are dynamic, and customer preferences can change rapidly. Be ready to modify your value proposition as needed to stay relevant and meet evolving customer demands.

Bottom Line

Crafting a successful value proposition that aligns with your customer’s needs and desires while maintaining a focus on quality and long-term vision is essential. It’s all about emphasizing the benefits and unique solutions you provide rather than just competing on approximate price. This can help you build lasting relationships with your target audience and foster customer loyalty.

But remember that a value proposition is not a one-time task; it requires ongoing assessment and refinement. As markets evolve and customer preferences shift, your ability to adapt and tailor your value offerings will be crucial to staying competitive and relevant.

Strive to differentiate yourself from competitors by creating a value proposition that is uniquely yours, addressing your customers’ needs, and demonstrating your commitment to delivering genuine value. By doing so, you’ll attract new customers and cultivate a loyal following who will advocate for your brand.

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The 7 Most Profitable Online Businesses During Economic Uncertainty Tue, 08 Aug 2023 04:02:13 +0000 In an atmosphere of economic ambiguity, where skyrocketing prices, escalating interest rates, and constricting credit conditions dominate the landscape, succeeding as a business owner might seem like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that something sticks. 

Why? These unsettling factors are poised to negatively impact business investments, consumer spending, and market transactions, casting a shadow of doubt over the strength of the economy. 

Ernst & Young, a trusted name in global professional services, forecasts a potential recession for the US economy by late summer 2023. Chief Economist at EY-Parthenon, Gregory Daco, puts it like this: “The economy is unwell. It’s not the flu, but it is a throat ache. And it’s unlikely to get better in the coming months.” 

But don’t worry, economic uncertainty is far from a dead-end for the entrepreneurial spirit. Amid this chaos, certain online businesses aren’t just surviving but thriving. Think of high profitability even when the macroeconomic cards are stacked against you. Sounds idyllic, right? 

In this guide, we’ll explore the factors that contribute to profitable online businesses during economic uncertainty and then dive deeper into these surprising havens of opportunity.

Factors Determining Business Profitability Amidst Economic Volatility

No longer can businesses simply rely on a steady market or predictable consumer behavior to safeguard their profitability. 

So, what separates ‌businesses that thrive amidst uncertainty from those that struggle to stay afloat? 

Let’s dive in and unravel the compelling factors that distinguish profitable businesses in turbulent economic times.


Have you ever considered how well your business could withstand a financial storm? The key to weathering turbulent times lies in building resilience from day one. 

But how? You can achieve resilience by focusing on a diverse customer base, offering a broad range of products or services, or putting away a cash reserve to help ride out rough patches. 

After all, if your business could captivate a wider audience, wouldn’t it be better positioned to withstand the ups and downs of economic cycles? If one segment experiences a downturn, others help maintain your revenue, providing a buffer against sudden economic shifts.


As the saying goes, the only constant is change. Then why shouldn’t this principle apply to business as well? 

Your ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions could be your ticket to lasting profitability. So ask yourself these questions: 

  • Are you able to swiftly adapt to shifting market conditions, pivot your business model if needed, or find fresh markets when the old ones no longer serve your needs? 
  • Can you adjust your product offerings in response to changes in consumer behavior? 
  • Do you have a system in place for small business accounting in Excel to monitor and manage your finances efficiently?

If you answered yes, your business is demonstrating a high level of flexibility. And if you answered no, don’t worry.

Take inspiration from Netflix’s transition from a DVD subscription model to a behemoth streaming service. Or Amazon’s ability to turn an online bookstore into one of the largest ecommerce companies in the world. 

The world is your oyster. Stay on your toes, explore new paths, and adjust your sails to best catch the wind of changing consumer behaviors. 

Low Overhead Costs

Online businesses have an inherent advantage over brick-and-mortar stores. Your operations generally incur lower overhead costs compared to physical stores.

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These low fixed costs mean you have the flexibility to scale back operations and remain profitable even when revenues take a hit. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

In the example above, an online ecommerce store can achieve a 30% profit margin compared to 15% for a traditional brick-and-mortar retailer. 

So, in an economic downturn, online stores could reduce prices by 10–15% while still maintaining a similar profit margin. For instance, a $150 pair of shoes sold in a retail store could sell online for $130 for the same profit margin. Not too shabby. 

Strong Demand for Products or Services

Remember, even in challenging economic climates, certain goods and services are always in demand. 

Businesses providing essential goods, digital products, online learning, or entertainment often find themselves shielded from the worst impacts of economic uncertainty. Are your offerings coveted enough to ensure sustained demand and profitability?

Diversified Revenue Streams 

And last but definitely not least, is your business leveraging multiple sources of income? An online business, for instance, could blend ecommerce, affiliate marketing, and ad revenue

If one income stream takes a nosedive, the others could swoop in to make up for the shortfall. Smart, right?

7 Most Profitable Online Businesses During Economic Uncertainty

Economic downturns are tough, but they also create opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. While traditional businesses may struggle, certain online ventures thrive amidst uncertainty. 

Here are seven profitable online business models that are particularly resilient during times of economic volatility. 

1. Ecommerce Stores

Ecommerce stores sell products directly to consumers through an online platform (think Shopify, Amazon, or BigCommerce). The range of products you can sell are endless: from physical goods like clothing or electronics to digital goods like eBooks or PC games.

With the ability to operate all online, ecommerce 2021 and 2022 sales have skyrocketed thanks to the COVID pandemic when everyone sheltered in place and avoided brick-and-mortar stores with a ten-foot pole. 

Plus, there was even a ‌period when these stores were closed completely, leaving the only option to shop online. It’s safe to say that COVID helped strengthen the online shopping ecosystem.

Profitability in uncertainty

During periods of economic instability, more consumers turn to online shopping due to its convenience and the ability to price compare. 

Ecommerce stores can operate with lower overhead costs, making it easier to offer competitive pricing and keep operations going even in a downturn.

Challenges and solutions

Inventory management and shipping logistics can be challenging, especially when disruptions in the supply chain are unavoidable. Dropshipping or partnering with a reliable fulfillment service can help alleviate these issues. 

Also, staying flexible and adapting to customer preferences is crucial for staying relevant in a rapidly changing market. For instance, offering virtual try-on options or personalizing product recommendations goes a long way. 


Amazon, love it or hate it, and Etsy, a platform focusing on handmade and unique items, have thrived during recent economic uncertainties.

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2. Niche Blogs

Have you ever searched for the best brunch places in a city that you’re planning to visit? If so, you’ve probably stumbled upon a niche blog.

So what does that mean? A niche blog is a website that narrows in on a specific topic, such as travel, home repairs, pets, technology, cooking, or personal finance (to name a few). They cover a topic front to back and in granular detail.

The result? The content caters to very specific keywords. And these sites can outrank the large players by fulfilling the need for consumer search intent. It’s all about finding the low-hanging fruit within a niche (read: high volume, low keyword difficulty).

Profitability in uncertainty

During uncertain times, people turn to the internet out of boredom or to look for specialized information and guidance. 

Niche blogs offer consumers the valuable content they crave. But that’s not all. You can generate a steady income through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling products or services online.

Challenges and solutions

The main challenge is to create enough content to build a robust following and generate organic traffic to your site. 

To do this, write high-quality, SEO-friendly content and set a consistent publishing calendar. Think about at least two to three articles per week. Oh, and don’t forget to repurpose this content by promoting it on social media platforms.

Staying updated on ‌trends within your niche will also keep your content relevant.


ONSAAS, a blog focusing on providing marketing insights, reviews, and news to help SaaS businesses grow. Their expert research aims to assist businesses in finding the best marketing software. The website covers s wide range of topics including: email marketing software, SEO tools, social media management tools, and CRO tools. 

This article comparing two leading email marketing tools is a great example of the affiliate content that could be published on niche blogs.

3. Digital marketing agencies

In an increasingly digital world, online marketing agencies are growing like wildfire. And for good reason. 

These agencies offer a range of online marketing services, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, content marketing, and social media management.

Profitability in uncertainty

As mentioned earlier, online businesses often thrive in periods of economic uncertainty. With that, it often prompts businesses to invest in improving their online presence and reach, which increases demand for digital marketing services. 

Plus, with lower operational costs than traditional advertising agencies, digital providers can maintain profitability even in tough times. And don’t forget that companies tend to lay off employees to reduce expenses.

The replacement? Outsourcing of services to subject matter experts (SMEs).

Challenges and solutions

Staying up-to-date with ever-changing digital marketing trends isn’t a walk in the park. Continuous learning and adaptation, along with a focus on measurable results for clients, can help overcome this challenge. 

Also, don’t be discouraged if clients pull back on their budgets a bit. As the saying goes, this too shall pass. Double down on providing the best possible service, and you’ll reap the rewards with referrals down the line. Lastly as a digital marketing agency owner you need to prioritize email security and utilize DMARC reports to safeguard your clients’ brand reputation and prevent phishing attacks.


With the pandemic forcing people to work remotely and spend more time online, ecommerce businesses have seen a significant increase in demand. However, some types of online businesses may perform better than others in the current market.

One example is the real estate industry, where the demand for finding properties online has skyrocketed. According to a recent survey by Fit Small Business, 41% of homebuyers’ initial action in the home buying process is to search for properties on the Internet rather than connect with a local real estate agent. 

With more people searching for properties online and the increasing popularity of virtual home tours, the need to outrun your competition in collecting buyer leads for realtors is more important than ever.

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This presents an opportunity for digital marketing agencies that can offer lead generation services and search engine optimization to cater to this increase in online searches.

The goal? Turn the uptick in online searches into first-time home buyers. 

4. Online Courses

Is a college education a thing of the past? It might be too early to tell. But one thing’s for sure, you can learn a ton on the internet, and demand is growing steadily. 

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And no, we don’t mean searching WebMD for your cold symptoms. There are a plethora of online courses that allow people to learn new skills or increase their knowledge in a wide array of subjects, from academic topics to hobbies or professional development.

Profitability in uncertainty

During economic recessions, many people seek to learn new skills or enhance existing ones, increasing the demand for online courses. They provide an affordable, accessible option for education that can help people pivot or advance in their careers.

Challenges and solutions

The main challenge lies in creating engaging, high-quality content that attracts students. So make sure your course content is well-structured, interactive, and adds value.

Pro-tip: Promote your courses on multiple platforms and provide testimonials or reviews for credibility.

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Coursera offers a wide range of online courses, helping people upskill during economic downturns.

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P.S. As an entrepreneur with a specific skill set, creating and selling your own online course is an excellent way to generate passive income or generate an additional revenue skill to offset any losses. 

5. Health and Wellness Apps

There’s no doubt that an impending recession is a stressful situation. Stress and anxiety are at all-time highs as your brain goes into survival mode. 

With that comes the important need to find ways to relax and destress. That’s where health and wellness apps thrive in offering services related to fitness, diet, mental health, meditation, and more.

Profitability in uncertainty

Choppy economic seas lead to increased stress, prompting more people to seek resources for physical and mental health support. This increase in demand makes health and wellness apps particularly profitable during these periods.

Challenges and solutions

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Building an engaging and user-friendly app requires a significant upfront investment. If you don’t have the experience yourself, you’ll need to hire a skilled developer (‌which isn’t a cheap endeavor).  Nowadays, all-in-one investing is the most popular and profitable for everyone. 

Don’t lose focus on the user experience. Differentiate yourself in a crowded market by finding a niche within the health and wellness space to effectively serve that market.


Headspace, a meditation app, saw increased usage during recent periods of economic uncertainty as more people turned to mindfulness practices to manage stress.

And the US mental health app market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9% into 2030.

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There’s still plenty of steam left in this sector. We could all benefit from a better state of mind. 

6. Software as a Service (SaaS) Businesses

What do tools like ClickUp, Connecteam, Canva, Nifty and Salesforce have in common? They’re all uber-successful SaaS businesses. The poster children, if you will. 

As a SaaS business, you provide access to software applications over the internet via a subscription pricing model. It’s an incredibly lucrative model because you’re able to lock in monthly recurring revenue. 

Or better yet, customers commit for a year to score a small discount. Sounds idyllic, right? 

Profitability in uncertainty

During economic downturns, companies are always on the lookout for cost-effective solutions. SaaS products, with their flexible pricing and scalability, offer an appealing alternative to traditional software. 

This resilience to economic instability makes SaaS a highly profitable online business model and can sell at a multiple anywhere between 3x to 15x of annual revenue. 

But be warned. SaaS is a competitive market. And the last thing you want is for someone to steal your million-dollar idea.

So when selling a business for maximum profit, you’ll want ‌to protect your intellectual property and your secrets to success. Make sure that you have a process in place to vet potential buyers. For instance, you might require them to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before sharing sensitive information about your business. It never hurts to measure twice and cut once. 

Challenges and solutions

The competitive nature of the SaaS market may require the constant need for software updates, new features, and keeping up with changing consumer demands. 

The easiest way to pull ahead in this space is to:

  • Offer a unique solution to a specific problem and solves customer pain points
  • Double down on providing the best possible customer service
  • Regularly update and improve your product with new features based on customer feedback


Connecteam, a communications and time-tracking app designed to streamline daily operations, has grown to serve over half a million daily users and companies in 79 countries around the globe.

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7. Freelance Services (design, writing, AI consulting)

Do you love writing? Have a knack for graphic design? Or a passion for the artificial intelligence craze? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, freelancing could be a lucrative online business for you — especially as the global economy braces for a looming recession.

Profitability in uncertainty

As a freelancer, you offer your skills and services on a per-project basis. And in an uncertain economy, many companies opt for hiring freelancers over full-time employees to reduce costs and increase flexibility. 

The result? Higher demand for freelancers as companies pull in the reins on their budgets. 

Challenges and solutions

As a freelancer, you may face the challenge of finding consistent work in an incredibly competitive market. 

Building a robust portfolio, networking, and using platforms like Upwork or LinkedIn can help secure more opportunities. And of course, specializing in a niche skill can also increase your marketability.


If you read CNBC or LinkedIn news, you’ve probably come across a few stories about freelancers making more than finance professionals. 

Here’s an example headline for reference:

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It almost sounds too good to be true. But freelancing is here to stay, especially in the rough seas ahead. So don’t underestimate freelancing as a successful business endeavor. It might surprise you. And the cash will start flowing in. 

Wrapping Up

While economic uncertainty can pose challenges, it also opens the door to new opportunities. These seven online business models demonstrate that with the right strategies and adaptability, success is possible even in the face of adversity.

So don’t let the “recession” talk prevent you ‌from starting the business of your dreams or buying one that you’ve had your eye on for months. 

Check out Flippa, the #1 marketplace to buy or sell profitable online businesses. The risk is low, and the opportunities are high. Here’s to your success! 

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Combining AdSense and Affiliate Marketing for Online Businesses: 5 Strategies for Increasing Earnings Mon, 19 Jun 2023 14:02:22 +0000 Affiliate marketing and AdSense go hand in hand as they’re both great ways for a business to monetize their blogs. However, they also differ enough to provide two revenue streams that, when working in tandem to complement one another, can skyrocket a site’s earnings.

To help your online business make the most of AdSense and affiliate marketing, we’ve outlined 5 strategies for success and explained how to implement them:

1. Choose Complementary Ads And Affiliate Streams

Combining complementary AdSense and affiliate marketing can be a powerful strategy to monetize your website or online platform. By choosing complementary ads and affiliate streams, you can maximize your revenue potential and provide valuable content to your audience. 

But how do you select complementary ads and affiliate streams? Here are some suggestions:

  • Understand Your Target Audience. Begin by identifying your target audience’s interests, preferences, and needs. Understanding these aspects will help you select ads and affiliate programs that resonate with your audience, offering relevant products or services.
  • Provide Valuable Content. Ads and affiliate marketing rely on providing value to your audience. Therefore, create high-quality content that informs, educates, or entertains your users. Doing so builds trust and credibility, which will ultimately drive engagement and increase the effectiveness of your ads and affiliate links.
  • Decide On An Appropriate Affiliate Stream. There are numerous different affiliate programs, so you should look for one that aligns with your industry or niche. For example, if your website focuses on fitness, consider affiliate programs for fitness equipment, workout plans, or nutritional supplements. 

Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction are popular affiliate networks. Each offers a wide range of programs across various industries. However, before signing an agreement, consider factors such as rates, product quality, brand reputation, and affiliate support. 

  • Match Ads with Content. AdSense automatically generates ads based on the content of your website. However, it is wise to regularly review the types of advertisements that AdSense displays and choose affiliate programs that complement your content. 

2. Design Your Site Around Your Ads

Designing your site around your ads optimizes the chances of your audience clicking on the ads and maximizing revenue potential. However, it should be balanced to maintain a positive user experience so the page isn’t cluttered. Ensure ads and affiliate links integrate seamlessly into your website or platform instead of overwhelming your audience with excessive ads or banners. 

You can give prominence to ads to increase their visibility and enhance their click-through rates (CTR) in the following ways:

  • Ensure that ads are integrated smoothly into the layout, aligning with the overall aesthetic and user experience. This can reduce the chances of ad blindness and enhance the likelihood of user engagement with the ads.
  • Plan and optimize ad placement locations based on user behavior, eye-tracking studies, and conversion rates. This approach enables you to identify prime ad positions more likely to attract user attention and increase click-through rates.
  • Tailor your website’s layout, structure, and responsive design to accommodate various ad formats, including banner ads, video ads, native ads, or interactive elements. This flexibility can enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of advertisements on your website.
  • Align the content, layout, and user interface with the targeted audience and their interests. This enables you to create an environment where ads are more relevant and engaging to users, increasing the likelihood of ad clicks, conversions, and overall user satisfaction.

3. Overhaul Your Content Marketing Strategy

To overhaul your content marketing strategy, you can take a systematic approach and make strategic changes based on your goals and audience. Here’s how:

  • Determine your content marketing strategy goals. I.e., do you want to boost sales, generate leads, increase brand awareness, or drive website traffic? Clear goals will guide your strategy and help you measure success. 
  • Understand your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and pain points. Then, create buyer personas to represent your ideal customers. This knowledge will help you tailor your content to resonate with them effectively.
  • Assess the performance of your current content, identifying what works and what doesn’t. Look at metrics like engagement, shares, conversions, and traffic. Such an audit will help you determine the opportunities for improvement and gaps in your marketing strategy.
  • Analyze your competitors’ content marketing efforts. Look at their strengths and weaknesses, what works and what doesn’t. This research will help you differentiate yourself and uncover new content ideas.
  • Establish a consistent and compelling brand voice that aligns with your target audience. It should reflect your brand’s values, personality, and tone. This will make your website’s content more memorable and relatable.
  • Define the types of content you will create and the platforms you will use. Consider using a mix of formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and social media content. Then, determine the frequency of content creation and distribution.

4. Focus on SEO

When focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with affiliate marketing and ads, you can create a comprehensive strategy to increase your website’s visibility, drive organic traffic, and maximize conversions. Consider the following aspects that will improve the SEO of your website:

  • Find and use high-volume keywords and phrases with low competition.
  • Apply SEO techniques to optimize your website’s on-page elements. E.g., optimizing meta tags, headers, URL structures, and image alt tags. 
  • Create high-quality content, e.g., product reviews, comparison articles, tutorials, and guides.
  • Utilize internal linking within your website to establish a strong website structure and enhance user experience. 
  • Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable websites within your industry to improve your website’s authority. 
  • Optimize your website so it is mobile-friendly. 
  • Use SEO audit tools like Google Analytics to monitor the performance of your SEO efforts. For example, analyze key metrics, such as organic traffic, bounce rates, conversion rates, and keyword rankings.
  • Place your affiliate links naturally within your content, ensuring they fit seamlessly and offer value to your readers. 
  • Supplement your organic SEO efforts with targeted paid advertising campaigns. However, optimize your ad campaigns based on your target audience, keywords, and desired outcomes.

5. Update, Overhaul, And Keep Your Website Current

Websites should be regularly updated to remain current. This includes monitoring the performance of your content, ads, and affiliate links. You can watch these by tracking conversion rates, click-through rates, and revenue generated.

Then, experiment with different placements, ad formats, and affiliate programs to find the optimal combination. Finally, you can use analytics tools and affiliate platforms’ tracking features to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Ultimately, the success of your ads and affiliate marketing efforts relies on understanding your audience, delivering value, and optimizing based on data. Therefore, continuously evaluate and refine your approach to maximize your earnings while maintaining a positive user experience.


Affiliate marketing and AdSense are popular ways of generating an income. However, unlike when you invest in stocks or real estate, this kind of venture requires ongoing research, planning, and input. 

Additionally, it‘s essential that you maintain and analyze the success of the ads and affiliate links and update your website based on analytics and improved user experience. But while it requires continual effort and input, the results can be extremely lucrative, and the ROI far quicker.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

How to Finance Your Small Business Acquisition Amid Economic Downturn Thu, 15 Jun 2023 11:51:26 +0000 Over the next decade, older Americans are expected to transfer trillions of dollars of wealth to younger generations. This expected transfer, referred to by some as the “Great Wealth Transfer” and the greatest such occurrence in the world’s history, will include older generations relinquishing ownership of many profitable small businesses – presenting a once in a lifetime opportunity for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

A startling $7 trillion worth of small businesses currently owned by Baby Boomers will likely be up for grabs by 2030. While many of these businesses may not be glamorous – think businesses like HVAC, commercial cleaning, tree trimming and other similar “boring” businesses – with a bit of effort they can provide incredible returns on your investment. Plus, in many cases, you’ll have the opportunity to support the families and communities who rely on these businesses, which is the “feel good” icing on the cake.

However, as we teeter on the edge of a potential recession, banking crisis, waves of corporate layoffs, and more, finding the funds to finance that business purchase may seem difficult at best, and impossible at worst. What many potential buyers may not realize, though, is that there are many ways to structure a deal, and some do not actually require much upfront cash.

There are three key forms of small business financing to be aware of: debt, equity, and seller financing. Most deals have a combination of the three, and the structure of the deal will dictate your options when it comes to financing and planning. Whether you’re actively in a position to buy or just evaluating your options, here’s what you need to know about each approach and how this knowledge can help you finance a small business acquisition.


Debt typically makes up about 80 percent of the typical small business deal structure. The most common type of small business debt financing is from the Small Business Administration (SBA)’s 7(a) program. This program helps creditworthy small businesses acquire financing where they wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

Through this program, SBA lenders receive a government guarantee for the acquisition loans they provide to borrowers like you. This typically results in more attractive terms for borrowers, including no covenants and as little as ten percent down. In fact, in some instances, you can put as little as five percent down if you get the seller to finance an additional five percent in a “standby seller’s note,” or a note that isn’t repaid until after the SBA note is repaid.

It’s important to note that the SBA 7(a) program does ask the borrower to take a
“personal guarantee” – meaning that you would have to promise the lender that you will repay the debt no matter what, including using personal assets if your small business doesn’t have cash on hand to make the payments. This can raise the stakes significantly, and not everyone is comfortable taking on that kind of risk. That said, this type of loan is still a great option for many small business owners to get the financial footing they need to buy their dream small business. Moreover, they can easily repay the loan once they begin reaping the rewards of their business.

For larger acquisitions (above $2 million in earnings), conventional financing options do exist. The benefit of conventional financing is that, typically, there’s no personal guarantee required. However, these loans do come with a wide variety of terms that typically include covenants and larger down payments.


Wondering where you come up with the 10 percent down payment required by the SBA? If you don’t have the funds yourself, you can seek out investors to help bridge the gap between the funds you have and the funds you need.

The terms of equity investments in the small business space vary widely based on the deal, investor makeup, and the relationship of the business to the investor.  Most deals, however, involve a “preferred return” – a fixed interest percentage that must be repaid – and “step up,” meaning a raise in the valuation of the capital.

As an example, you might have an equity investor who invests $100,000. That invested capital receives a “step up” that values the investment at $200,000. Their preferred rate is ten percent, and after that $100,000 and interest is repaid, that investor is on equal footing with the rest of the equity.

This is obviously a very linear example, but the point remains that if you find a good deal and are someone people can see themselves working with, it won’t be hard to find investors who will bet on you on workable terms. Now more than ever, investors are looking to partner with small business owners who want to boost their local economy and contribute positively to the workforce. If you can prove you’re prepared to do that, you’ll be in business.

Seller Financing

Seller financing, when the seller personally finances a portion of the small business purchase price, typically makes up around ten percent of your deal structure. In addition to reducing the equity a buyer needs to make the purchase, seller financing often indicates that they’re interested in having skin in the game.

This might sound strange, but if a seller is willing to personally finance part of the price of their own business, that speaks volumes about their assurance of the go-forward viability of their organization. This is one of the reasons why seller financing is incredibly common.

In fact, there’s no limit to the amount of seller financing you can ask for, and there are cases where some less “salable” businesses can sometimes be 100 percent seller-financed. But, be aware that you may end up paying more in interest depending on the length of the financing terms. Some sellers may view financing the sale of their business as an opportunity to multiply the principal value of their business through interest payments, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but is something to be mindful of as you negotiate.

The important terms to consider with seller financing are:

  • Term (number of years) of the financing
  • Interest rate
  • Payment schedule (when payments start and when and how they’re made)
  • Interest-only periods (periods of time where you’re paying only on the interest)
  • Personal guarantees (or not)

Structuring the deal

Every deal structure looks a little bit different. While typically someone purchasing a small business is 80 percent reliant on debt (like an SBA 7(a) loan), and ten percent reliant on both seller financing and equity, that doesn’t mean you have to be. Here are some factors to consider when determining the right structure for you:


How much flexibility do you need? How much are you willing to possibly forego? If the seller offers fair terms and is cooperative, you may choose to go with a deal structure that favors seller financing. However, if you have a solid relationship with a lender and can get flexible terms for a loan, debt may be the cornerstone of your deal structure.

Business Finances:

This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s important to consider how much cash from the small business you’re looking to acquire you could spend on that acquisition. Especially when a personal guarantee is involved, be sure you understand the risks you could be undertaking so you’re prepared to pay back your debt in whatever way you can.

Financial and Legal Complexities:

No matter how cooperative a seller is or how easy a deal seems, there are always complex issues that come up. Working with an experienced lawyer who represents and understands small and medium businesses is essential to ensuring your deal is done correctly and is in the best interests of you and the business you’re acquiring.

While finding the money to fund a small business acquisition can seem daunting, there’s a wealth of opportunities available to you to structure your deal through loans, investments, and seller financing. Gone are the days when only the rich could consider acquiring businesses; now, nearly anyone can purchase one of the many small businesses being sold by Baby Boomers as a result of the Great Wealth Transfer. If you’re looking for an opportunity to make a move on owning your own business, the time is definitely now.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

2023 Online Business Trends for Buying Websites Mon, 29 May 2023 07:28:16 +0000 Online business has been on a steady rise for the last few years. Now more than ever, it’s important to stay updated with the latest trends. If you’re looking to buy a website in 2023, this post is for you! 

Current trends highly indicate why you should buy websites for your business. In this guide, we’ll explore what developments today drive huge demands for buying websites.

Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Online trends refer to changes in online behaviour or public opinion. These changes often reflect popular opinions or interests. You see trends through posts and conversations, website design and content changes, and product or service preferences. 

The past few years have seen rapid changes in technology and consumer behaviour. In recent years, the following changes have occurred:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become more prevalent across many industries. 
  • Blockchain Technologies are gaining momentum.
  • Big Data is making waves in almost every sector.

In 2020, we saw a surge in digital transformation projects due to the global pandemic. Many businesses and organisations focused on the cloud. 

In 2023, we’ll see increased adoption of 5G wireless networks, opening up new opportunities for data-driven applications and services. 

Online business trends show changes in how businesses operate online. Many of these 2023 trends affect parts of the economy, particularly e-commerce. These trends influence several areas of online business, such as:

  • Acquiring new customers
  • Managing customer relationships
  • Focusing and creating marketing strategies

In recent years, digital technologies have made it easier for companies to reach more people with less effort. It led to the proliferation of online businesses that offer services or products at lower costs than traditional brick-and-mortar operations.

Is it needed to say that e-commerce is a driving force why you should be buying websites for your business and services?

E-commerce in Numbers

One of the biggest online business trends is the emergence of e-commerce. E-commerce websites have increased in popularity over the past few years. Why? More consumers opt to shop online rather than in stores. 

Forecasts show that global retail e-commerce sales in 2021 were approximately 5,211 billion U.S. dollars. These sales will grow by 56% in 2026. 

Similarly, digital marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy have grown rapidly in recent years. The ability of these marketplaces to connect buyers and sellers quickly is expected to continue growing in the future. 

This trend has allowed many individuals to earn passive income from online businesses and e-commerce stores. What’s more? There has also been an increasing number of opportunities to buy websites. 

Websites with a proven track record of generating stable and consistent revenue tend to be more in demand. These websites command a higher price in the market. This includes websites in niche markets like e-commerce, travel, and financial services.

Trends in 2023 You Need to Know Before Buying a Website

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people turned to digital solutions to stay afloat. The trend has continued into 2023. 

For businesses deciding whether or not they should, or could, generate revenue online, COVID-19 gave them the nudge to dive head first. It may have worked out for some, but it would have also burnt a lot of owners.

2023 promises to be a year of considerable opportunity for those looking to buy websites. The opportunity comes as a result of the business winners and losers from the pandemic.

Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, here are some trends you can take advantage of when buying websites.

1. Increased demand for web design services

As more businesses move online, they must ensure their websites are designed correctly and attract visitors. Web designers will be in high demand as businesses look to get the most out of their website investments. Businesses aligned to this area could also benefit from increasing demand, such as web hosting and copywriting.

2. Search Engine Optimised and Mobile-friendly

According to numbers, Google is also a starting point for almost half of product searches, with nearly 46% using it to search for products. Leverage this for your business by establishing a website that ranks in Google. Factor in the reality that mobile searches play a huge part in rising Google searches. Around 76% of U.S. adults use a smartphone to buy things online. If you’re new to Search Engine Optimisation then get started here

Mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor for Google’s algorithms. Now, you can expect mobile-optimised sites to be more favourable because it provides a better shopping experience online. An established website gives your business more credibility and accessibility to your target buyers.

3. A growing interest in content marketing strategies

Content is key to succeeding in digital marketing. More businesses are beginning to recognise this. Content marketing strategies will become increasingly popular as businesses look to engage their target audiences with meaningful content. 

Examples of aligned businesses with content marketing strategies include video production, design and illustration, and storytelling skills. 

4. Creative Monetising Strategies

Monetising a website is one of the best ways to maximise its profit potential. Many businesses want to squeeze out every penny. This paves the way for creative monetising strategies like:

  • Unique backend offers
  • Affiliate partnerships
  • Membership and community sites, and
  • Ad revenue on the sheer volume of traffic

5. Selling on Social Media

More people rely on the internet and social media platforms to stay connected. Businesses are looking for ways to take advantage of them. Selling on social media is now accepted, even though not everyone likes it. 

What if the buy-and-sell business you’re looking at provides ways to improve conversion rates? What if it sells more to users on social media or provides a unique spin to what’s already happening? You could be sitting on a gold mine.

6. Automation and AI-driven Approaches

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in all facets of life. AI-driven tools can perform complex tasks, such as: 

  • Listing website prices
  • Analysing traffic data
  • Creating content, and many more. 

AI-driven automation leads to efficiencies, reducing costs. Ultimately, AI can elevate the valuation of your business.

7. Niche-focused Platforms & Communities

Platforms specialising in specific niches become increasingly popular. Buyers are looking to maximise their opportunities within their desired industry. 

These platforms have a great deal of information about their community. What do these platforms tell you? It shows the pain points of the community, which makes creating products and monetising that much easier. 

If you can access a tribe of loyal fans, your products could fly off the shelf, making you a worthy partner or acquisition target.

8. Blockchain-based Options

While still in its early stages, blockchain technology offers a range of potential applications for buying and selling websites. It can securely store data, track transactions, and more. Blockchain-based technologies make an attractive option for buyers to maximise their security and efficiency.

9. Generative AI

Buying websites is one thing. Maintaining websites, keeping content up to date, and establishing more brand authority online are other things. This is where Generative AI and prompt marketplaces come in. Generative AI has formed new products and services that are circulating now – prompts. People buy and sell prompts to maximise the outputs from Generative AI.

Let’s use ChatGPT since it has been trending since its launch. However, it can be hard to describe instructions, questions and inputs in the prompt. You can buy prompts for certain uses like “Write Ebooks At Lightning Speed” or “Hashtag Marketing Prompts”. Many communities and marketplaces rise to sell prompts for Generative AI. 

Another Generative AI software you need to look out for is image generation AI. Software like Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney will allow you to generate endless images. You’ll need to be as descriptive as you can and type everything into the prompt to get the image you’ve imagined. If you can’t, you can access Prompt Marketplaces to search for prompt packages of image themes you’re looking for.

The possibilities are endless with the growing AI industry. The challenges lie in maximising the prompts from each software to get the results we want. There’s that drive to be creative and descriptive with words. 

If you are thinking about buying a website, image generation is something you wouldn’t want to miss. You can add new images, videos, captions, and content at unparalleled speed! 

The rise of AI assists you in your decision to buy a website for your business. How? With ChatGPT, you don’t need to hire big content teams to create product posts, articles, and content. You can use ChatGPT, purchase prompts, and streamline your selling process and content creation for the website.

10. Creator Economy

The rise in the Creator Economy has given many people a chance to earn more. Social media platforms can have a limitless audience reach and before you know it, you’ve accumulated thousands of followers overnight. For example, live streamers can gain thousands of dollars through live selling, fan donations, or ad revenues.

However, there’s always a downside despite the opportunity to earn more money. The Creator Economy is a very open space, which unfortunately includes negative comments and feedback. The Internet is a place for all types of reactions – including the ones that can adversely impact your mental and emotional health.

Why You Should Learn Online Business Trends when Buying a Website

The internet is constantly changing. New trends are always emerging that can affect the value of websites. You can make informed decisions about buying websites by understanding these trends. 

Increase Profits

Buying sites that have already gained traction in the market maximises profit. You will buy a website that has already taken off the ground, eliminating your work. Focus on what types of products and services you want to offer. 

Instead of stressing out about hiring teams to develop one, focus on growing your potential business. Which products and services are constantly bringing in more sales?

Identify New Opportunities

Understanding online trends helps you identify potential new business opportunities. Changes in market behaviour bring out business opportunities. Keeping up with online trends is an essential part of success in buying websites.

It will be easier to expand your venture if you buy something that has proven to gain traction. Want to sell another type of related product to your existing business? Search online if some authoritative marketplaces or sellers sell your product.

Stay Ahead of New Online Business Trends When Buying a Website

Staying ahead of new online business trends is critical when buying a website. With the right knowledge, you can spot upcoming opportunities and capitalise on them before anyone else. 

Knowing what’s happening in the market can help you identify potential buyers or sellers. You may benefit from what the market can offer and ultimately get more favourable terms for your deal.

Additionally, it’s also important to stay on top of changes in technology, user behaviour and other macro trends. First, know what your users want. Next, know how they expect things to work. Lastly, identify the most popular platforms that are valuable when users navigate a website sale or purchase. 

Without this knowledge, you may end up with a website that’s not up-to-date or attract the wrong type of buyers.

Final Thoughts

The digital landscape is ever-changing. Buyers can capitalise on opportunities by staying on top of the latest trends and their competition. Investing in SEO, leveraging AI-driven solutions, and targeting niche markets are just a few ways businesses can improve their ROI.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

How To Grow Your Business Through Podcast Guesting: The Ultimate Guide Fri, 19 May 2023 06:36:16 +0000 And no, you don’t have to start a podcast either. Instead, I’m going to show you how to turn podcast guesting into a profit engine for your business.

Inside of this article I will cover:

  • Why podcasts are a powerful marketing funnel
  • What businesses benefit the most from it
  • How to find shows in your niche
  • How to craft a pitch that gets you booked with a single cold email

And most importantly, how to turn each interview into an evergreen marketing funnel that brings in customers long after the interview is done.

Why Podcast Guesting Should Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy 

*Recent statistics on podcasts reveal that the global audience (which refers to internet users who listen to podcasts at least once a month) is projected to reach 464.7 million this year. Meaning there is a huge audience to dip into to attract customers.

To kick things off, let’s talk numbers. 

According to recent statistics as of April 2023, the number of podcast listeners has skyrocketed to 464.7 million, which is a significant increase from the 144 million listeners in November 2020.

At the same time, experts predict that this number will continue to climb, reaching 504.9 million at the end of 2024.

What’s even more impressive, according to Buzzsprout, as of March 2023 more than 66% of podcast listeners earn more than $75k a year, with 17% earning $150k or more a year.

That is more compared to any other marketing channel out there.

And if you’re still not convinced, consider this:

A study by Edison Research shows that 54% of podcast listeners are more likely to consider purchasing products or services from brands they hear advertised on their favorite shows.

To drive it home even further, 69% of listeners say that podcasts introduced them to new products.

This means not only is this audience growing more and more, and full of people who have the means to pay you for your products and services, but this audience is very likely to take action and follow your brand.

Podcast listeners are highly engaged, and huge fans of their favorite shows.

For example, “Do It By Friday” hosts Alex Cox & Merlin Mann make more than $5k a month from donations from their 4000 weekly listeners.

That’s $1.25 made per listener. Organically.

Do you know what that means? That these audiences are heavily influenced by the show and the brand, which means they are easier to influence when you get endorsed by a host of the show they love. 

Like Mark Zuckerberg says, “People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.”

Let’s get into being a guest and why podcasting is one of the most powerful ways to be recommended by a trusted and respected source.

It’s the Holy Grail.

The Evergreen Effect Of Podcasting

Unlike social media posts that eventually lose traction, podcast content remains relevant and valuable over time.

It’s similar to Youtube videos that grow in viewers over a long period of time.

Podcasts generate a constant stream of traffic that only increases with time.

When somebody finds a show they like, they don’t just listen to a few episodes. Most listeners begin to binge the content of a show they enjoy, like Netflix.

So overtime listenership for each episode grows, which gives more and more people a chance to come across the episodes that you guest on.

Which Types Of Businesses Benefit The Most From Podcasting?

To answer this question, let’s first look into who listens to podcasts. 

Here are some stats of who is currently making up the audience of podcasts:

  • Parents: Many parents listen to parenting-related podcasts to learn about child-rearing and family dynamics. A survey by Edison Research found that 31% of podcast listeners are parents with children under the age of 18. (Source:

If any of those profiles fit your ideal customer, this is something you want to pay attention to.

Next, let’s see why they are listening. Here are some stats that highlight the top motivations behind people listening to podcasts.

Now that you know who listens to podcasts and why they listen, you can see whether or not this makes sense for your business.

Although I personally enjoy podcast guesting and use it myself, it may not be the right marketing strategy for everyone, especially if the primary goal is to gain a financial return. 

If you’re running a traditional brick-and-mortar business or selling e-commerce products, podcast guesting may not yield as many benefits as it would for a business coach or SAAS creator.

For instance, a mechanic might not gain many clients from podcast guesting, but if they had a course teaching mechanics how to grow their business, they would be much more successful.

The point I’m outlining here is that expert-based businesses will get the most out of podcast guesting.

I’m talking about businesses like:

  • Coaches (life coach, health coach, business coach, etc.)
  • Consultants
  • Course creators
  • Content creators (bloggers, influencers, etc.)
  • Speakers
  • Authors

These kinds of businesses are typically driven by a personal brand. And since podcasting grows your personal brand, these are ideal.

Additionally, SAAS companies can see a good return if the founder is willing to be front facing.

For example, let’s say you created a software that helped people build and monetize an online community. You could guest on shows in the entrepreneur, business, and marketing space and share the founding story of it or give advice on how to build a profitable community, tying your brand to the value they get from the episode.

The fact is simple: If you have a product that improves somebody’s personal or professional life then podcasting is a goldmine for you since people are mainly listening for those reasons. 

So if you put an offer in front of them to accelerate the process, they’ll likely bite. 

Four Ways To Find Podcasts In Your Niche

In 2021, I had no choice but to figure something out to save my dying hypnotherapy business.

After getting clients from a talk I delivered to a group of entrepreneurs, I began obsessing over how to get in front of more and more groups of entrepreneurs.

This is when the idea of podcast guesting came to me. And since then I’ve been able to get booked on over 70 shows and generate six-figures in new clients that costs me $0 to acquire.

Now I want to show you how I did it. First, it’s important that you know how to find shows that have your ideal audience, otherwise there is no point.

There are three ways I like to do that.

1. Directly ask your audience what their favorite podcasts are

The success of this strategy is contingent upon the caliber, scope, and involvement of your existing following. It’s not really about size, it’s more about engagement. If you have an engaged following then you will get great results by simply asking your audience what shows they like to listen to.

As Brian Tracy once stated, “Those who ask for what they want will be the ones to prosper in the future,” and this is especially true in this case.

A straightforward approach would be to create a Facebook post or send out an email similar to this:

As you see, I got 34 people to give me lists of shows. That’s good enough to build a sizable list.

2. Go to Facebook groups that are made for podcast guesting

Facebook is a hub for diverse communities, where you can find groups dedicated to everything, even a group exclusively devoted to sharing pictures of individuals resembling Adam Sandler (Yep, I’m in it). Sounds crazy, and maybe it is, but the best part is that these communities also extend to Facebook groups designed to assist individuals in finding podcast appearances and securing new guests.

To access these groups, simply utilize Facebook’s search function and type in “Podcast guest” to locate them. 

Once you’re in the groups, how do you find the right shows?

It’s simple.

Open up the group, and look on the top right to find the search icon.

Type in your keyword or “niche.”

For example, if you want to be featured on a business podcast, look up the word “Business” or “entrepreneur.”

This will bring up posts relevant to your niche that you can pitch to.

Make sure to save the podcast names, along with the links and personal profiles of the individuals who posted them, on a spreadsheet for future reference.

3. Use Google (Of course this made the list)

Of course, Google makes the list when it comes to finding podcasts. Surprised? You don’t have to be. Google provides an effortless way to find the most suitable podcasts for you. Just search ‘Your Subject + Podcast’ on Google.

For example:

  • “Entrepreneur podcasts”
  • “Mindset podcast”
  • “Parenting podcast”
  • “Lawyer podcasts”

These phrases has proven to yield the best results.

You can also use phrases like:

  • “Best podcast for entrepreneurs”
  • “Best podcast for mindset”
  • “Best podcast for parents”
  • “Best podcast for lawyers”

It’s simple, yet effective.

4. Use Podcast Matching Softwares To Find Shows

One of my favorite things to do is use podcast matching softwares like Podmatch, Guestio,, Podbooker and Rephonic.

All of these softwares give you direct access to hosts of podcasts in your niche. I’ve had incredible success with this approach. That’s because individuals willingly subscribe and pay a monthly fee to utilize these tools exclusively for discovering exceptional guests for their shows.

These individuals are eager to find guests. They are enthusiastic, and with a straightforward search, you can unearth hidden gems in your niche.

Piece of cake, right?

Start by searching for the podcast you want to pitch. You can find their website and social media accounts on these platforms. Plus, you have direct access to their inbox, which I’ll show you what to do with in a moment.

However, merely locating podcasts on Podmatch or any other platform, including Google and Facebook, isn’t sufficient enough.

It would be best if you made sure to obtain their email, particularly if you’re not using these platforms to communicate directly with them. So be sure to track down their email with tools like or by simply looking on their websites and Facebook business pages.

How To Get Booked (Crafting Your Pitch)

Before I present you with the framework of a powerful pitch, let’s discuss the most vital marketing rule:

Your audience isn’t interested in you; they only care about what you can provide them.

If your pitch revolves around how amazing you are, the hosts of your pitching will quickly lose interest. Avoid starting with lines like:

“I help ____ achieve ____ and my name is ____.”

Why? Because it begins with “I,” immediately putting the focus on you.

As the host of a top podcast, I receive countless pitches from guests, and almost all of them start with “Hey Adrian, my name is…and I believe I’ll be a great fit for your show because….”

When I see this, I don’t bother reading the rest.

It’s nothing personal; it’s human nature.

It’s time to rethink your approach. 

The Framework To Create Powerful Video Pitches (How To Stand Out):

1. Connect

Before you go into explaining how you can add value to them and their audience, connect with the host.

Find some way to relate to a recent episode or the overall theme of the show.

Be very specific in this part as it will make or break the pitch.

Say their name, the name of their show and explain why you like it. What this does is capture their interest as it feels relevant and personal.

With the average attention span being 8 seconds, your job is to capture 8 seconds at a time — and starting the pitch like this is a good way to buy some time.

2. Introduce Yourself Through Story (In A Way That Demonstrates Your Expertise)

After and only after you connect, introduce yourself, and do it through a story.

For example, 

“My name is Adrian, and in 2021 I got booked on 52 podcasts and generated over six figures in sales. What happened was…[details of story, highlight emotional parts ‘Hero’s Journey’]…”

This will get them emotionally invested, which is important for opening them up for the yes.

After this, you tell them what you do and how it can help their audience (and be sure you know their audience).

When this happens you can easily do the next step.

3. Make The Ask

Now that you have captured their emotions, it’s time to ask for what you want.

Be direct and ask if they are interested in having you on their show. However, make sure your request is presented in a way that is mutually beneficial.

For instance, you could say something like:

“If you believe we would be a good match for your show, let me know the best way to proceed. I’m excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you.”

Don’t try too hard to impress them or sound artificial. Keep it simple and genuine. Remember, you’re talking to a human being, not a robot.

How To Be The Kind Of Guest That People Want To Follow (Ace The Interview)

To become an influential guest who can captivate your audience, there’s one essential aspect you should focus on – answering questions with the help of client stories.

This is because storytelling has a powerful impact on people’s emotions, and they are proven to increase conversions.

A study done by Origin found that storytelling can improve brand recall by up to 22 times and increase purchase intent by up to 3 times. And as you can see by this chart below, stories create more engaged content.

In a 2012 survey conducted by Optify for Holger Schulze, 81% of respondents ranked engaging and compelling storytelling as one of the top three critical components of content marketing.

Therefore by using client stories, you will engage more people. Not only that, but by using client examples to answer questions, you can position yourself as an expert who can provide valuable insights. For instance, when someone asks, “How can you improve your leadership skills?” you can respond, “Well, let me tell you about a client of mine who was facing similar challenges, and here’s what we did to overcome it.”

By sharing the process you used to help your client, you not only provide valuable information, but you also establish yourself as an authority on the subject. It may sound simple, but answering questions in this way will resonate with your audience and attract people who are facing similar issues.

Begin with a story and end with a lesson.

For example, “…and that’s why I shared this story – to highlight the importance of (insert lesson). Now, here are some practical tips that can help you improve your skills.”

By leading with a story, you grab your audience’s attention and create an emotional connection with them, resonating deeper. Remember, stories are a potent tool that can differentiate you from others, and by using unique stories and case studies, you’ll stand out and leave a lasting impression on your audience. 

When this happens, it’s time to turn the podcast interview into profit.

How To Turn Every Interview Into A Customer Acquisition Channel

How do you actually turn listeners into buyers?

There is a simple but crucial process to follow.

You will come to find that at the end of every interview you will be asked, “How can the audience follow and connect with you?” Or even “How can the audience get [your product]?”

It’s important that you don’t make this crucial mistake that a lot of other podcast guests make: listing every possible way to reach out to you. Like your websites, social media handles, podcasts, newsletter, etc. Many times guests do this, thinking it will help. But instead, this creates a problem of too many options.

Instead, give the audience one link, and make sure that link takes them to a place where you can capture their contact information to follow up with them. I avoid perplexing them with numerous choices and concentrate on the most critical aspect- getting them to join my email list.

For example, I send the audience to a link where they can download a guide from me, and then I use email marketing to follow up with them. So what you want to do is create a lead magnet, which you can learn how to do here in this video by Dan Henry, a very successful internet marketer. Only drive the audience to that list and no other one, unless the host insists on knowing where someone can buy your products, if that’s the case then give that link too, but no more, absolutely none.

The Follow Up Sequence To Turn New Subscribers Into Customers

Now, I thought the best way to teach you how to convert these new subscribers into buyers was by sharing how I do it myself.

Even if all this does is give you an idea for an effective follow up sequence, then that’s perfect.

Here’s how my email sequence works.

  1. I give them access to an E-Book, at the end of which I pitch a one-time four day discount to my course.
  2. For four days I send a total of 10 emails, that all use a story-telling framework, commonly referred to as “Daily Seinfield Emails” to sell my product. Each email I mention the fact that the four day discount is closing. Many of these stories are client stories. (This discount is a one-time never offered again discount I must add, this creates the FOMO factor that triggers a lot of people to buy)
  3. At the end of that sequence if they don’t buy I add them to a daily nurture list where I use more Daily Seinfield style emails to convert them.

I focus on email marketing because of the sheer effectiveness of it, which tends to be much higher than social media marketing.

According to Optin Monster, most people check their emails first thing in the day.

And with only 6% of your followers on your newsfeed seeing your content, compared to the 22% of your email subscribers who on average engage with your email, email marketing is the channel you want to focus on more for a return, especially in the context of podcast guesting.

To make it better? 99% of email users check their email every day, some as much as 20 times a day, meaning you have a much higher chance to convert than any other channel. Therefore, ensure you have an email follow up campaign set up for the leads that will come in from the interviews that you do.

Also, if you want to see how I write my sales emails, and how to create your own high-converting emails, click here to read my article where I show you my entire framework for creating compelling emails that sell.


Podcast guesting is a powerful marketing strategy. Not only does it put you in front of ideal buyers, but you get to build relationships with the host, be seen as an authority in your niche and build a better relationship with the public.

This is not a complex or new strategy, but it is one that a lot of businesses aren’t implementing to the extent that they can, or to the true effectiveness they can.

If you follow the unique framework I laid out here, you will find yourself getting booked on more shows, attracting more customers and growing your brand.

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How to Grow Your Instagram Following and User Engagement: 6 Tips Thu, 11 May 2023 18:14:00 +0000 Nearly half of all internet users are active on Instagram. As of 2021, its community reached 2 billion active users. Plus, Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social platforms with the most engaged user base. So you need to know how to grow your Instagram following, and engage your user base once you grow it.


Recent research also claims that the average Instagram user spends 29 minutes on the platform daily, so it’s no wonder that Instagram is so influential when it comes to people’s purchasing decisions. The days when Instagram was primarily a photo-sharing app are long gone.

Source: eMarketer

These days, 53% of internet users are active on the platform and people discover and buy products in-app, read news, communicate with brands, and follow opinion leaders. It has become one of the most preferred communication channels, so opportunities for businesses, influencers, and content creators are growing.

However, it’s not enough to have an Instagram presence to succeed. It’s also important to put time and effort into growing Instagram following and user engagement, as having an engaged following allows you to boost visibility and get support from users in the form of their likes and comments.

In this article, you’ll read about the top reasons to grow your Instagram following and user engagement as well as find six actionable tips on how to do it without going an extra mile.

Why Should You Grow Your Instagram Following and User Engagement?

When Eloi created his tattoo Instagram page Original Tattooz seven years ago, he put much time and effort into growing it organically. Having amassed over 1.5M engaged followers on the platform, Eloi was able to sell the page to a buyer from Australia for $55,000. Pretty good, huh?

At first glance, given that having a larger audience is key to success, it might seem that buying Instagram followers is the best way to quickly boost your account and get in front of millions of people. But your follower count is a vanity metric, as user engagement is the key to delivering ROI (return on investment). Moreover, buying followers violates Instagram’s policies, and more often than not, these followers are fake accounts or inactive profiles who won’t support you or interact with your content.

Here are three proven reasons to grow your Instagram following (attract real followers) and user engagement:

  • Make more money on the platform. It’s no secret that Instagram influencers and content creators can make money in-app these days. But when you have a solid following and a high user engagement rate, it proves that your audience finds you as a reliable source of information. As a result, you can secure collaboration options with bigger brands or companies who are ready to pay more.
  • Increase your Instagram account’s value. Here at Flippa, users buy and sell their businesses and digital assets. Estimating the value of your Instagram profile is hard, but the more followers and the higher engagement you have, the higher price you can set when selling your account. Once you decide to sell your Instagram account, you can make good money if your profile is well-established.
  • Gain more influence in your niche. Your Instagram following and user engagement serve as a sign of trust and authority. When people follow your account in-app and they interact with your content, this means they support you and therefore you have influence in the niche.

Now that you know about the importance of Instagram following and user engagement, here is the list of tips on how to grow your following and user engagement without buying fake followers or likes.

6 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Following and User Engagement

1. Optimize Your Account for Discoverability

To promote your business on social media and attract the right audience who wants to interact with your content, it’s also important to know your potential followers well. When your account attracts the right audience who have interest in your content, it’s easier to grow following and user engagement. The solution is simple: optimize your account for discoverability.

First, keep in mind that people have a short attention span, so your Instagram bio is a business card that represents your brand on the platform. Thus, it’s important to optimize your Instagram bio with the following actions:

  • Make a stunning profile picture
  • Describe your brand in brief
  • Include a keyword
  • Write compelling calls to action
  • Add a clickable link
  • Provide contact details (email address or phone number)

Check out a good example of a well-optimized Instagram bio:

Source: Instagram

Second, it’s important to optimize Instagram content by adding relevant hashtags and locations. Hashtags and location geotags help users discover your feed posts if they have interest in a specific topic or location, and you can now make these clickable when included in your bio blurb. Aside from using popular hashtags, you can always create a branded hashtag that represents your company online.

If you’re a local business like Trash Island, using both tactics at once can help to optimize your account for discoverability and attract a targeted and qualified local audience of potential customers.

Source: Instagram

After all, when your Instagram content attracts the right audience, it’s more likely to turn visitors into followers and give them a solid reason to interact with your posts to increase user engagement.

2. Invest in Eye-Catching Visuals

It’s no secret that most people are visual learners. They have a photographic memory and perceive information through visuals better.

As a highly visual platform, Instagrammers upload 95 million visuals each day, so it’s important to invest in eye-catching visual content to stand out from the crowd, grab the attention of your audience, and give users a reason to like or comment on your awesome post.

Photo editing apps make it easy for non-designers to create stunning visuals with a few clicks. With Photoleap by Lightricks, not only can users edit layers, add texts, or apply creative filters, but it also allows users to add motion to visuals or even bring old photos back to life with its AI enhancing. All in all, your photos can become works of art.

Сheck out a profile of one artist, Madi Arteaga. The combination of her creativity and the power of Photoleap, makes her Instagram profile eye-catching and appealing.

Source: Instagram

People engage the most with high-quality content, and the numbers speak for themselves. With 44.3k followers, an average post on this profile gets 8,736 likes and 71 comments. As a result, the profile has an engagement rate (ER) of 15.17%, while the average ER for this following count is 2.15%.

3. Give Instagram Videos a Try

Video remains the prominent trend in the digital marketing world for the past decade. When it comes to Instagram, videos grab attention and encourage viewers to interact with content. In fact, 91% of Instagrammers watch videos on the platform weekly.

With the popularity of Instagram videos, when users pay close attention to video content in-app, the importance of using this content type is undeniable. In other words, give Instagram videos a try if you want to achieve audience growth and boost user engagement.

Instagram videos come in different shapes and forms: Instagram Story videos, Instagram Reels, live stream, and IGTV.

Source: Animaker

Whether you want to create short-form Instagram videos for Instagram Stories or Lives, long-form IGTV videos, there are many options to use the right Instagram video type that suits your needs, wants, and preferences. You can also take the next step and create a guide on Instagram to gather content around a specific topic.

Let’s take a look at the example from Lancome. In honor of International Women’s Day, the company invited popular actress Lily Collins and beauty expert Kahlana Barfield Brown to speak about the importance of building self-esteem. The video quickly got over 58k likes and 240 comments.

Source: Instagram

4. Leverage Instagram Influencer Marketing

People crave social proof, so word-of-mouth marketing has always been the most effective form of marketing.

With the popularity of social media influencers, when 92% of people trust opinion leaders more than ads or celebrity endorsements, brands often leverage the power of Instagram influencer marketing to promote their profiles and spark interest in content.

When a favorite influencer spreads the word about your profile, people are more likely to check it out, follow you on the platform, and become loyal fans. Once you find the right influencer for your brand, you can stand in front of thousands of people and enter an already-established community of loyal fans who pay close attention to recommendations from the opinion leader.

For example, Nails Beauty Gram often turns to Instagram influencers to offer paid partnerships and then reposts influencer endorsements to its profile, just like in the example below.

Source: Instagram

When you leverage Instagram influencer marketing, you get a chance to reach a wider audience of target users fast and find people who have interest in your niche which means these people are more likely to become followers and interact with your content. What is more, it encourages user-generated content as people draw inspiration from influencers and copy their actions.

5. Organize or Sponsor an Instagram Giveaway

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get something valuable for free? It’s human nature to love free stuff, so it’s no wonder that social media contests have become an effective marketing tool for social media growth. Moreover, giveaways help to create an engaged community.

No matter what your business goal is, whether you want to boost awareness, drive web traffic, or get more leads, a giveaway can help you achieve it. Just make sure to emphasize whatever type of activation you’re after as a call-to-action in the contest’s “how to enter” terms.

Believe it or not, Instagram giveaways can also be one of lead generation ideas, as you can target B2B buyers and add something like “sign up for a free trial” as one of the participation requirements.

In fact, around 67.5% of marketers include Instagram giveaways in their content strategy to achieve their business goals, and practically every contest aims at growing a following. What’s more, giveaway participants are active current followers, which helps to boost user engagement.

To grab the attention of your audience and boost activity on your profile, it’s a good idea to organize an Instagram giveaway and offer incentives to attract more participants. However, you can also team up with other brands or influencers in your niche and sponsor a giveaway to stand in front of a target audience fast.

Check out an example of this strategy from Cobble and Dough Doughnuts:

Source: Instagram

To make it easy for you to run a giveaway, you can rely on Instagram tools that help to schedule posts, analyze performance, or even boost promotion–all in one place with a few clicks.

6. Run Instagram Ad Campaigns

The competition in Instagram is getting higher: brands, influencers, and creators crave attention from audiences. The Instagram algorithm always prioritizes content from friends and families, so it can be hard to reach out to your target audience unless you invest in paid ad campaigns.

Instagram uses personal data like contact information, date of birth, hobbies, purchase history and interests to allow for highly targeted advertising capabilities. When you run Instagram ad campaigns, you can set them up to surface for specific viewers, so you can reach ideal audience: people who are similar to your most engaged followers or your best customers. It allows advertisers to create effective ad campaigns that grow following and user engagement.

For example, when Daosin decided to reach more people in Germany, the company created eye-grabbing Reels ads that delivered great results. During its ad campaign (from March 15–April 24, 2022), the ad reached 2.3 million people and got 100,000 video Thru Plays for Reels ads.

Source: Business Instagram

If you want to make stunning Instagram ads that meet your brand identity without hiring designers, you can always find a reliable tool and create Instagram content with templates–just find what suits you and customize it.

The Bottom Line

The days when having an Instagram presence was enough to achieve success are long gone. Today, Instagram following and user engagement are the top important social media metrics that measure people’s interest in your Instagram profile and its content.

The more real people follow your IG profile and show interest in your content, the better. It gives you an opportunity to become more influential and make money on the platform or even sell your account for a better price.

Although there’s no one-size-fits-all solution that helps to grow your Instagram following and user engagement, the above-mentioned tips can boost your Instagram presence and bring your profile to the next level.

How To Build a Profitable Businesses: 7 Strategies to Leverage Tech, Data, and User Feedback Wed, 10 May 2023 02:21:35 +0000 Are you ready to take your business online and start making profits? Great! Here’s how to build a profitable business with 7 strategies.

As a tech entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges of building a profitable business. The fierce competition and standing out in a sea of digital noise can be tough. However, I’ve also learned that leveraging technology, data, and user feedback can make all the difference when creating a successful business.

With the right technology, you can create a mighty digital presence that increases revenue and enhances customer experience. To help other entrepreneurs build profitable businesses, I will share with you seven guidelines I’ve used to build a successful website and how I used modern tech effectively to do so.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to apply these guidelines to your business and take it to the next level. Keep reading to discover how you can use technology to transform your business and maximize profits quickly!

What are the Guidelines to Leverage Technology, Data, and User Feedback to Build a Profitable Online Business?

Source: Shutterstock

If you’re serious about building a profitable online business, it’s important to understand the key elements that can make or break your success. 

Leveraging technology, data, and user feedback are essential components that help you make informed decisions, stay ahead of the competition, and provide outstanding customer experiences. 

Here are seven guidelines to help you harness these elements to create a thriving online business. 

1. Identifying Your Market, Niche and Platform

Before you start building your online business, it’s crucial to identify your market and niche. Your market is the group of people interested in your products or services, while your niche is the specific area or topic you focus on within that market. 

With a clear understanding of your market and niche, you’ll be able to create targeted and effective marketing campaigns, which could result in wasted time, effort, and resources. To identify your market and niche, start by researching your industry and identifying your potential customers’ needs, wants, and pain points. Then, narrow down your focus to a specific area or topic in which you can excel and stand out from the competition. 

The next step after identifying your market and niche, is the platform that you’ll build your online business on. As an example, if your market and niche were women in their 20s that wanted to learn more about fashion, having a website may not be the best platform for your target market to reach you. Visual social media apps like Tiktok, Instagram and Pinterest would be a much better platform for that niche.

By doing so, you’ll be able to better position and create a unique value proposition that resonates with your target audience and drives sales for your business.

2. Developing a Strategy for Monetization

To build a profitable online business, you need to have a clear strategy for monetization. There are various ways to monetize your online business, such as selling products or services, offering subscriptions, or displaying ads. However, choosing a monetization strategy that aligns with your business goals and provides value to your target audience is essential. 

For example, if you’re selling products or services, make sure they solve a problem or fulfill your customers’ needs. If you’re offering subscriptions, ensure your content is high-quality and engaging enough to justify the subscription fee. And if you’re displaying ads, ensure they’re relevant to your audience and don’t detract from the user experience. 

By developing a solid strategy for monetization, you can generate a steady stream of revenue that can help you sustain and grow your online business over time.

3. Architecting Scalability and Flexible Solutions

When you’re building an online business, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moment and forget about scalability and flexibility. 

But if you want your business to grow and thrive over time, it’s essential to architect scalable and flexible solutions from the very beginning. That means designing your website and systems to accommodate growth and change without breaking or becoming outdated. 

It also means choosing technology and tools that can adapt to your evolving needs and integrate with each other seamlessly. Think of it as building a house that can withstand storms and earthquakes rather than a flimsy tent that collapses at the first sign of trouble. By prioritizing scalability and flexibility in your online business, you can future-proof your investments and ensure you’re ready for whatever the future holds.

4. Enhancing Customer Experiences with Rich Data

In today’s digital age, data is king. By leveraging rich data, you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ behaviors, preferences, and needs and use that information to enhance their overall experience with your online business. 

For example, you can use data to personalize your website’s content, recommend products or services based on previous purchases or browsing history, and optimize your marketing campaigns to reach the right audience at the right time. With the right data analytics tools and strategies, you can create a seamless and engaging customer experience that keeps your customers coming back for more. 

So, pay attention to the power of data in your online business. Instead, embrace it and use it to your advantage to build stronger relationships with your customers and drive business growth.

5. Utilizing AI and Automation Technologies for Advanced Marketing Insights

Source: Shutterstock

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies are transforming how businesses approach marketing insights. With AI-powered tools and automation, you can analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, generate insights, write content with AI and make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. 

For example, you can use AI to predict customer behaviors and preferences, optimize your marketing campaigns for maximum ROI, and automate repetitive tasks such as lead scoring and segmentation. Or you can use AI video generating tools to create personalized and engaging video content at scale without needing a large video production team. By leveraging these technologies, you can save time and resources while improving the accuracy and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. 

So, don’t be afraid to embrace AI and automation in your online business. Instead, use them to your advantage and stay ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced digital world.

6. Implementing User Engagement Strategies Across Multiple Platforms

User engagement is crucial for building a successful online business in today’s digital landscape. However, engaging with users across multiple platforms can be challenging. That’s why it’s essential to implement user engagement strategies that are consistent and effective across all your online channels. 

For example, you can use social media platforms to create engaging content, answer user questions, and respond to feedback promptly. Incorporating email newsletters into your strategy is another effective way to offer value to your subscribers, keep them informed, and encourage them to interact with your brand on a regular basis. And remember about user engagement on your website itself. By providing a user-friendly and intuitive experience, you can encourage visitors to stay on your site longer, read your latest updates, and interact with your brand more frequently.

In addition, by implementing effective user engagement strategies across all your online platforms, you can build a loyal following of customers who are invested in your brand and more likely to make repeat purchases.

7. Analyzing Results and Improving Performance Metrics

Analyzing your online business results and improving performance metrics is critical for long-term success. It’s essential to track and analyze metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and customer retention to understand your business’s performance and identify improvement areas. 

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into what’s working and what’s not and adjust your strategies accordingly. For example, if your website traffic is low, you may need to change your SEO strategy or invest in more paid advertising. Content too thin? Consider leveraging ai writing tools to support your keyword strategy. If your conversion rates are low, you may need to optimize your website’s design or messaging to better align with your target audience’s needs. 

You can make data-driven decisions that drive business growth and improve overall performance by consistently analyzing your results and metrics.

What is a Profitable Online Business?

When people think about online businesses, they might imagine an e-commerce store selling physical goods. However, a profitable online business can be so much more than that. It can range from selling digital products and services, creating online courses or coaching programs, building a loyal following on social media platforms, and monetizing through brand partnerships. 

What’s important is not necessarily what type of business you have but whether you have a business model that is sustainable, scalable, and profitable in the long run. 

Benefits To Leveraging Technology, Data, and User Feedback to Build an Online Business 

As the business landscape becomes increasingly digital, leveraging technology, data, and user feedback can be crucial in building an online business. By utilizing technology, businesses can streamline processes, increase efficiency, and reach a wider audience. 

Data analysis can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and tailor marketing strategies. 

Additionally, gathering and incorporating user feedback can improve product or service offerings and foster brand loyalty. 

By embracing these tools and tactics, businesses can stay ahead of their competition and achieve sustainable growth in the highly competitive online marketplace.

Challenges To Leveraging Technology, Data, and User Feedback to Build an Online Business 

While leveraging technology, data, and user feedback can bring numerous benefits to your online business, it is important to acknowledge the challenges that come with it. Here are some of the common obstacles you may encounter:

  • Technical difficulties: Technical glitches can slow down your workflow and lead to missed opportunities.
  • Data overload: Collecting vast amounts of data can be overwhelming, and without proper analysis, it can be difficult to extract actionable insights.
  • Lack of user engagement: Getting enough user feedback can sometimes be a hurdle, especially if your customer base is small or not active.
  • Privacy concerns: With data privacy regulations becoming more stringent, you need to be careful about how you collect, store, and use user data.

Overcoming these challenges requires a combination of strategic planning, resource allocation, and a deep understanding of your target audience.

Concluding Thoughts

Building a profitable online business requires a well-planned strategy that leverages technology, data, and user feedback. Following the seven guidelines outlined in this article, you can create a scalable and flexible online business that delivers outstanding customer experiences and drives business growth. 

Each guideline plays a critical role in building a profitable online business, from identifying your market and niche to analyzing your results and improving performance metrics. So, if you’re ready to take your online business to the next level, it’s time to start implementing these guidelines and see the difference they can make. 

If you’re ready to take your online business to the next level, it’s time to start implementing these guidelines and see the difference they can make. With its extensive network of buyers and sellers, user-friendly platform, and helpful resources, Flippa can help you achieve your online business goals.

Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right strategies, you can achieve your goals and build a thriving online business.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Cash vs Accrual Accounting: Which is best for Online Entrepreneurs? Tue, 09 May 2023 05:56:36 +0000 Accounting is an integral part of every business, and when you’re selling a business it’s often the single most important piece of information presented to any potential buyers.

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions and analyzing financial reports to help business owners make informed decisions. Every business owner must choose the method of accounting that best suits their business needs. Two popular methods of accounting are the cash basis of accounting and the accrual basis of accounting.

In this guide, we will explain what cash accounting is, what accrual accounting is, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and whether a small online business should use the cash method or accrual accounting method.

What is Cash Basis Accounting?

The cash basis method of accounting is a method where income and expenses are recorded on a company’s financial statements only when the money changes hands. This means that revenues are recorded when cash is received, and expenses are recorded when they are paid.

The cash method of accounting is a straightforward and easy method that is often used by small businesses such as sole proprietors, partnerships, and LLCs.

For example, if you own a small online business and receive payment from a customer, the money is recorded as income only when it is received. Likewise, if you pay for your website hosting, the expense is recorded only when the payment is made.

What is Accrual Basis Accounting?

The accrual accounting method records income and expenses when they are earned or incurred, not just when cash changes hands.

In other words, income is recorded when it is earned, even if it has not been received, and expenses are recorded when they are incurred, even if they have not been paid. The accrual method of accounting provides a more accurate picture of the financial health of a business, and is often used by larger businesses with more complex financial transactions.

The accrual method works best when accepting or making credit card payments. For example, if your small online business sells products on credit, the sale is recorded as income even though the payment has not been received. Cash payments can be accounted for fairly quickly, but it takes time for credit-based statements to arrive, so if you are not using the the accrual based method these would not be counted until received. 

Alternatively, if you receive an invoice for website hosting but do not pay it until the following month, the expense is still recorded in the current month.

Cash vs Accrual Accounting?

Pros and Cons of Cash Accounting

Advantages of cash basis accounting:

  • Simple and straightforward: Cash based accounting is simple and straightforward, making it easy for small business owners to understand and use.
  • Clearer picture of cash flow: As revenue and expenses are tracked as cash exchanges hands, it often provides an accurate picture of the cash flow of a business.
  • Less costly: Due to the simplicity of cash accounting, it is less costly than accrual accounting. It also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of significant tax breaks by timing your transactions, allowing you to legally lower your tax liabilities at certain times.

Disadvantages of cash basis accounting:

  • Misleading financial reporting: The financial performance of a business may not be accurate as a result of a business owner holding off on paying bills for a particular period of time despite having incurred those expenses. While this can be better for personal reporting rather than assessment from a bank or potential investor, it also means the system is easier to manipulate.
  • Compliance: Cash basis accounting is not acceptable under the Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP), or the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which may be an issue when dealing with external stakeholders such as lenders or investors. Regulated and publicly traded businesses must adhere to GAAP, and many private companies choose to comply with these standards to provide transparency.
  • Inventory management: Cash based accounting teats inventory as an expense, and it does not become an asset until it is sold for cash. This can mean It may also be misleading for businesses that have high levels of accounts receivable or accounts payable, as it does not reflect the amounts owed or owing to the business.

Pros and Cons of Accrual Accounting

Advantages of accrual based accounting:

  • Complete picture of financial performance: The business records income and expenses when they are earned or incurred in a certain time period, correlating sales and expenses in that same period of time.
  • GAAP compliant: Accrual accounting is in compliance with GAAP, making it more acceptable to external stakeholders.
  • Informed decision making: Lastly, it provides a better picture of the profitability of a company in a particular period, allowing for informed decision-making.

Disadvantages of accrual accounting:

  • More complicated: Accrual basis accounting is more complicated and may be more difficult for small business owners to understand and use. Therefore it may require more time and resources to implement due to the complex nature of financial records.
  • Cash flow inaccuracies: Due to the possibilities of revenues being recorded even though they have not been received, accrual basis accounting may not provide an accurate picture of the cash flow of a business.

Should a Small Online Business Use Cash or Accrual Accounting?

Deciding whether to use cash or accrual accounting depends on the nature and size of your business.

As a small online business, you may find that the cash method is adequate for your needs. If your business is straightforward, with relatively few transactions, and you do not extend credit to your customers, then cash basis accounting may be the best option for you. It is less complicated, easier to understand, and less expensive than the accrual method. Additionally, as a small business, cash flow is often more important than profitability, and cash accounting method provides an accurate picture of the cash flow of your business.

Alternatively, if your business is more complex with numerous transactions, extending credit to customers, and dealing with accounts receivable and accounts payable, then accrual basis accounting may be a better option. It provides a more accurate picture of the financial health of your business and allows for better decision-making. Additionally, if you plan on expanding your business, or if you need to comply with GAAP,  then accrual accounting is a better option.


In conclusion, accounting is an important part of every business, and choosing the right accounting method is crucial for the financial health of your business. Cash method and accrual method accounting are two popular methods of accounting, with both having their advantages and disadvantages.

As a small online business, you must determine which method best suits your needs. If your business is straightforward, with few transactions and no credit extended to customers, then cash basis accounting may suit your needs.

However, if your business is more complex, with numerous transactions and extending credit to customers, then accrual accounting may be a better option. Ultimately, the goal is to choose the method that provides the most accurate picture of your business’s financial health and allows for informed decision-making.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.
