Louis Masnou – Flippa https://flippa.com/blog Fri, 06 Oct 2023 03:19:14 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://flippa.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-Frame-1053@2x-32x32.png Louis Masnou – Flippa https://flippa.com/blog 32 32 The AI-Powered Content Revolution: Flippa’s Innovative Use of ChatGPT to Sell Online Businesses https://flippa.com/blog/product-update-chatgpt-business-descriptions/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 03:19:12 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/?p=22209 In the fast-paced world of online business transactions, first impressions can make or break a deal. The words used to describe a business are critical in attracting potential buyers and investors. Crafting an eye-catching summary and a compelling business description can be a daunting task for many sellers. That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in. A game-changing technology that is revolutionizing content generation and Flippa is at the forefront of this AI revolution, leveraging the power of ChatGPT to simplify and enhance the process of creating business listings.

The Challenge

Selling a business is not just about the numbers; it’s about telling a compelling story that resonates with potential buyers. However, crafting a persuasive business description can be time-consuming and challenging. Flippa recognized this challenge and set out to find a solution. Our goal was to reduce the time it takes for business owners to complete their business listings while also ensuring that every listing stands out with a captivating summary and detailed description.

The Solution

Flippa’s innovative solution to this problem is powered by AI, specifically ChatGPT. At the “About” step of the listing onboarding process, sellers now have the option to automatically generate a Summary and Description for their business. You’ll see this option as you move through the listing process in the Summary and Description sections, making it easily accessible and user-friendly.

How It Works

When a seller decides to use the AI-generated content, they simply click the “Generate Description” button. In an instant, the Summary and Description text boxes are automatically populated with content generated by ChatGPT.

  • Summary: The AI generates a concise summary that is under 140 characters long, highlighting key aspects of the business.
  • Description: The AI generates a comprehensive description that is around 500 words long. This description includes essential details such as how the business generates revenue, its type, industry, monetization methods, products/platforms used, financial information, and the duration the business has been in operation.

Customization and Control

Flippa understands that while AI-generated content is incredibly valuable, sellers may want to add their personal touch. After reviewing the suggested copy, sellers have three options:

  1. Keep the suggested copy and progress to the next step: This is perfect for sellers who are satisfied with the AI-generated content and want to save time.
  2. Use part of the suggested copy and edit as needed: Sellers can leverage the AI-generated content as a foundation and tailor it to their specific needs.
  3. Undo and Reload Template: If a seller decides to start fresh or explore other options, they can simply undo the generated content and return to the default placeholder.

This is an example of a business description written by ChatGPT.

Data-Driven Descriptions

Flippa’s AI-driven descriptions are not just generic text. They utilize data collected up to that point in the listing building process, combined with other data collected by ChatGPT. This ensures that the content is relevant, accurate, and tailored to each specific business.

Comprehensive Content Sections

Included in the generated description are several key sections that provide potential buyers with a thorough understanding of the business:

  • Key Highlights: Highlights the most appealing and unique aspects of the business.
  • Operations: Offers insights into how the business operates on a day-to-day basis.
  • Customers: Provides information about the target audience and customer base.
  • Technology: Details the technology and platforms used by the business.
  • Financials: Presents financial information, including revenue and profit figures.
  • Outro Paragraphs: Concludes the description with two “Outro paragraphs” that mention growth opportunities and summarize the business’s key points.

The Impact of AI on Business Sales

The integration of AI in the creation of business descriptions is a testament to the transformative power of technology in the world of commerce. Flippa’s use of ChatGPT streamlines the process for business owners, making it easier than ever to present their businesses in the best light possible when selling.

As businesses increasingly rely on AI to generate content, it’s clear that this technology is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how we communicate and do business. Flippa’s commitment to innovation showcases the importance of embracing AI to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Flippa’s utilization of ChatGPT to generate business descriptions, is a powerful tool that not only saves time but also helps sellers effectively convey the value of their businesses, ultimately leading to more successful transactions in the world of online business sales.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

SELLER SUCCESS – Small Niche Means Big Opportunity with Amazon Associates https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-small-niche-means-big-opportunity-with-amazon-associates/ https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-small-niche-means-big-opportunity-with-amazon-associates/#respond Mon, 14 Sep 2020 12:12:10 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-small-niche-means-big-opportunity-with-amazon-associates/ One thing that you’ll often hear us preach here at Flippa is that Amazon Associates sites that can build an SEO following around a tight niche can quite often be the most successful.

VIEWS: 3,740


BIDS: 11

Sure, a website like GoMechanicalKeyboard, that sold on Flippa for $12,500 might not have the ability to become an epic, six figure affiliate site straight away since it has such a narrow focus, but with just a bit of work, this website that features reviews and comparisons of gaming keyboards and mice could easily provide a nice side income with minimal effort.

The best part of Amazon Associates sites that specialize in a narrow subject matter is that they are likely finding people who are further along the sales funnel than someone who might be searching for a very generic term, and that means they are close to making a purchase.

How The Sale Looked on Flippa

3,478 listing views. Need we say more?

Within just a week on Flippa, this business had nearly 3,500 views, 95 watchers, and 13 discussion threads. There were 11 bids on the auction, but ultimately, it was sold for the Buy It Now price, allowing the interested buyer to end the auction early and secure the business for themselves immediately.

Why Was It So Appealing?

We can never be 100% sure what a person sees in any given listing. Sometimes the business can provide added value to an already existing portfolio of websites or might be complimentary to a brick and mortar business. But, a site like GoMechanicalKeyboards does have some obvious data that would appeal to any digital minded buyer.

The website itself is 5 years old, and age means a lot when it comes to search engine rankings.

Secondly, while only garnering around 6,000 unique visits each month, those visits are coming nearly 100% organically and based on highly relevant keywords like “65 keyboard” or “corsair k70 vs k95” which means they are attracting customers who are already aware and interested, currently in the intent or evaluation stage of the sales funnel, just moments away from a purchase. As an affiliate marketing site, that’s where the money lies.

On top of the purely SEO data that this website showcases, they are also generating revenue passively through Adsense modules. Having dual sources of income makes any business more appealing as it becomes far less susceptible to dips in revenue when Amazon or Google make changes to their payment protocols or data algorithms.

As you can see, this website is witnessing an upward trend, even showcasing a spike as Covid shutdowns hit the US in late March, driving more gamers to upgrade their systems as they were forced to stay indoors.

Finally, they have developed relationships with manufacturers of the keyboards and mice that they review and are receiving free merchandise in order to review, photograph, and feature on their site. That’s a pretty cool bonus.

How Can You Find The Same Success?

Like with anything, the most important factor is your product. If you are selling a great business, you will find great results.

Not sure what your business is worth? Chat with our valuation bot to get an idea about what you might be able to sell your blog or Amazon Associates website for on Flippa.

Once you’ve chosen to list your website on Flippa, chat with our account managers to be sure you’re building the best listing possible. You can get in touch with a Flippa Account Manager at accountmanager@flippa.com

https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-small-niche-means-big-opportunity-with-amazon-associates/feed/ 0
SELLER SUCCESS – How A Bit Of Effort Paid Off With A $55,000 Sale https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-a-bit-of-effort-paid-off-with-a-55000-sale/ https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-a-bit-of-effort-paid-off-with-a-55000-sale/#respond Thu, 27 Aug 2020 10:51:29 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-a-bit-of-effort-paid-off-with-a-55000-sale/ This is a story of how a little bit of patience, some hard work, and the enormity of the Flippa community can come together for ultimate success.

The business is called Pulse CMS. It’s a SaaS platform that allows users, typically design agencies or business owners, to easily develop web pages. They operate on a subscription basis and came into the sale with 11 years of experience under their belt and over 200 current subscribing users.

The business was great. They were steadily bringing in over $2,250 in monthly profit, being operated primarily by a small team of virtual assistants, seeing a minimal 4% annual churn rate, and essentially keeping the engines running without ever thinking about advertising or SEO best practices. The business was a dream. But, like many dreams, it was coming to an end as the owner looked to move out to the country and enjoy an off-line lifestyle.

The opportunity was there for the taking. And the stats on Flippa say it all.

Even more so, of those 57 discussions (that came from nearly 22,000 viewers!) 15 of them were highly engaged, taking the next step with the seller to video conferences and screen shares in order to perform live verifications of the technology.

And that is one of the major keys to being a successful seller on Flippa. Posting your asset for sale is the first step, but following through and being responsive to the prospective buyers is just as critical.

It took a relatively long time for this asset to sell through, but the seller kept up with the work, answering questions, setting up calls, and even working with our own marketing team on a video interview as part of an Ultimate Boost.

Wildly enough, the person who ended up acquiring this business had started his conversations with the seller 5 months before closing the deal. That entire time, while interested in the company, he was actively browsing the marketplace, trying to be sure that he made the best decision possible.

We often remind people that selling your business on Flippa is a lot different than selling a pair of socks through an eCommerce business. It isn’t about figuring out an efficient way to sell thousands of the same, mundane product. Rather, it’s about spending the time and effort to find the one perfect buyer for the single, unbelievable piece of inventory that you currently have for sale.

If you are willing to put in the effort, the Flippa community will come through.

“Selling on Flippa has been amazing for me as I’ve always found strong buyers who could understand and appreciate the businesses I’ve built, and having the excellent Flippa staff support to help with negotiations, bids and after sales hand off.”

Michael F. – PulseCMS

Looking to acquire a SaaS platform yourself? There are always an incredible array of possibilities on Flippa. To get you started, take a look at these assets that have all been around for over 2 years and have at least 1,000 monthly users, and are priced with an annual profit multiple no higher than 3.5x. Feel free to play with the toggles on the left hand side to adjust to exactly what you’re seeking.

https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-a-bit-of-effort-paid-off-with-a-55000-sale/feed/ 0
SELLER SUCCESS – How an Online Golf Shop sold for $160,000 in Just 14 Days https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-an-online-golf-shop-sold-for-160000-in-just-14-days/ https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-an-online-golf-shop-sold-for-160000-in-just-14-days/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2020 12:26:24 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-an-online-golf-shop-sold-for-160000-in-just-14-days/ Blue Tees Golf is an eCommerce store that sold on Flippa in October of 2019 after just 14 days being live on the marketplace. What made this business so captivating? Why was an acquisition entrepreneur ready to swoop this up with such urgency? Well, there is never one simple answer to these questions. It really comes down to a mix of benefits that stood out within the listing and throughout the due diligence process.

The Company Stats

  • This eCommerce store had been around for just over 1 year.
  • They were generating a net profit north of $9,400 / month
  • Monthly revenue was a touch above $48,000 / month
  • Traffic was seeing 37k+ page views and 21k+ unique visits / month
  • 75% of traffic was being driven through social channels
  • Roughly 25% of revenue is driven through Klaviyo
  • 1.5% Return Rate
  • 57% Profit Margin on Amazon Account
  • 300+ custom photos / graphics and 40+ custom videos

The Flippa Listing Stats

  • Listed on October 10th, 2019
  • 189 Watchers
  • 15 Discussions (3 highly engaged)
  • Reserve Price: $185,000
  • Buy It Now Price: $160,000
  • Sold on October 24th, 2019

Why Was This Company In Such Demand?

It essentially just comes down to the fact that it is a legitimately great business.

Founded by an avid golfer, the entrepreneur who began this business saw that there was a space online for high quality golf accessories sold at great prices. He spent time building a brand that had a stunning website with extraordinary imagery and high quality, custom videos that could be used for merchandising and marketing. They had over 300 photos and over 40 videos in total.

In addition to the products being high quality and merchandised well, they were actually shipping in-house opposed to drop-shipping from another country. Beyond giving them access to exceptional customer service and fast turnaround, this allowed the company to ship their product with high end, custom designed packaging, adding to the overall experience of the brand. This is a point that can easily be neglected as it does cut into margins, but it also creates return customers and helps worth of mouth marketing.

The company focussed on products that sold. Their first well received item was a Golf Laser Rangefinder. Something a bit more unique and niche that had a high capability for targeted ad spend opposed to more broad categories like golf balls or golf bags.

The second products that began to take off were their wedge sets and a putting mirror. Again, something a bit more niche than what the casual golfer is looking for, something extremely targetable and with limited competition.

What Made The Flippa Listing Sell So Quickly?

A number of things helped this site sell, but of course it all starts with having a great business that is priced accordingly.

While this company was doing fantastic sales, at only a year old, it is hard to value things too high as there isn’t a lot of proof in the success. This seller was happy to make the deal for a 1.4x annual profit multiple which felt fair to the buyer, leaving both with a sweet taste in their mouth after shaking hands, transferring assets and going their separate ways.

Secondly, the seller did a stellar job with the listing, providing in depth insight about the business, how they generate revenue, and how the operations work. While every potential buyer certainly has their own questions that they’ll want to ask, providing as much basic information as possible right up front will help people get excited to start that conversation.

And of course, finally, conversation is what counts. The seller was incredibly responsive, having in depth conversations with several prospective buyers, even setting up Skype calls or otherwise. Being attentive to the listing is as important as anything else as a potential buyer is only interested in working with a responsive individual. As we sometimes say, doing a business deal is a bit like getting married. Communication is key.

In Conclusion

If you’re looking to find success on Flippa and make a great deal for the business that you’ve built, it’s important to put time into building something fantastic, price it right, be sure to create a great listing, and be communicative.

How Should You Price Your Business?

Have a chat with our little buddy, the Valuation Bot, to find out what your business is worth based on years of data that we’ve collected here at Flippa.

https://flippa.com/blog/seller-success-how-an-online-golf-shop-sold-for-160000-in-just-14-days/feed/ 0
SELLER SUCCESS – Naughty Nutrition https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-naughty-nutrition/ https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-naughty-nutrition/#respond Fri, 05 Jun 2020 03:00:00 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-naughty-nutrition/ SOLD: $17,000

VIEWS: 2,036


Naughty Nutrition started as a hobby. The two founders shared a common interest in health and nutrition and thought it would be fun to start a website that focussed on the niche. They actually launched the website in 2016, but didn’t see it as a “business” until two years later. Once they saw the financial opportunity that lived within the content that they had built just for fun, they took advantage and turned it into a successful, profitable, concept. As with many content based businesses, the owners decided to list it on Flippa so that a new owner could take it to the next level. Featured here is a story of good taste and, as preached by their motto, 90% nutrition, 10% chocolate, 0% BS. 

Major Attention on Flippa

The owners, two registered holistic nutritionists, decided to sell Naughty Nutrition as they were in the midst of professional changes in their full-time gigs and were also looking to move apart from each other, which would make the site a bit harder for them to run. The decision never comes easy to sell a business that was built from scratch, but any successful entrepreneur will tell you that when the time is right, you know it.

Listed on Flippa for less than a month, they found a matching buyer who offered $17,000 and became the new owner. Launched as a confidential listing in mid-February 2020, the listing generated over 2,000 views, had 90 individuals watching the listing, and drove over 40 conversations with interested buyers. About half a dozen users discussed dove into intricate details of the business with the owners in order to decide if it was the right opportunity for them to acquire.

What is the essence of Naughty Nutrition?

The focus of Naughty Nutrition is a fun and balanced approach to nutrition. It’s simple, it’s popular, and it’s evergreen. Users could visit the website to retrieve accurate, science-based information and healthy recipes that suit a busy, healthy lifestyle. As a business, revenue was generated from multiple channels including brand promotion, recipe development, selling online programs, content affiliate marketing, and advertising. 

As a content site, it’s always good to see a diverse spectrum of revenue generating features as it means that the site is far more immune to changes in algorithms or affiliate schemes and is likely cashing in on a bigger potential of earnings.

Were there challenges?

Sure, there are always challenges when buying or selling a business. One of the primary challenges for the prospective buyer of a site like Naughty nutrition was that the brand was strongly linked to the owners, who had been able to create a pseudo celebrity status for themselves in connection with their website. While pivoting the platform slightly to be a bit more generic would be a challenge, the multiple assets included in the listing, such as a social media audience of 16k+ followers, a YouTube account with more than 70 videos, a blog with more than 300 posts, and a nutrition program of over 120 unique recipes convinced the buyer that this was an exciting challenge worth the investment.

In Conclusion

Naughty Nutrition proved to be an exceptional opportunity to acquire an established brand in the health and wellness sector with a great Google ranking. In a crowded space where it can be hard to make a name for yourself when launching a brand new website, this was an opportunity to hit the ground running.

Among the opportunities and strategies suggested to improve this business for the new owner was launching new products and services, capitalizing on the emerging market and improving current marketing efforts.

Would you like to find a similar site?

Click here and browse content and services to find similar listings on Flippa.

https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-naughty-nutrition/feed/ 0
SELLER SUCCESS – Supsystic https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-supsystic/ https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-supsystic/#respond Wed, 27 May 2020 07:41:51 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-supsystic/ Supsystic.com was sold on Flippa for $246,000; this is a success story that ticked a lot of boxes. The buyer found what they were looking for and the seller got their Buy It Now price in less than three weeks!

Advertised in mid-August 2019 the listing quickly attracted the interest of a considerable number of potential buyers: totaling more than 5.2k views, 114 watchers and over 50 discussions and comments. More than ten users analyzed the company in detail and placed offers on the table within just the first two weeks of the business being available on Flippa’s platform. It was an astounding combination of a rock solid business, a simple yet informative listing, and a seller who was eager and responsive when it came to interacting with potential suitors.

About the Business 

Success on Flippa starts with a successful business. Created in January of 2015, the founders of Supsystic researched the WordPress user base to identify needs and develop plugins for this nearly ubiquitous content management system, used by more than 60 million websites across the globe. Since the beginning of the project, success came relatively naturally thanks to a solid platform of plugins, stellar customer support, and excellent online reviews.

Key Facts and Figures

Operating on a freemium model, Supsystic successfully generated revenue by allowing users to download limited versions of their plugins and then opening up the full feature set as a paid option. Additionally, the team charged fees for customization or further development of solutions to meet specific customer needs.

Customers could purchase the license for one, five or unlimited sites for each individual plugin or make a bulk purchase for a bundle. The net profit was $10,289 per month, backed up by 230k+ users that had downloaded their applications and a mailing list of more than 25k subscribers. 

While the source code for 18 plugins were included in the sale of the business, only 14 of them were entirely up to date available on the website, meaning there were opportunities for immediate growth for the potential buyer once they launched the unreleased, but fully built plugins.

What Made This Listing So Compelling?

The team at Supsystic.com had done a colossal job creating a great set of plugins such as Data Tables, Gallery, Ultimate Maps, Pricing or Popup to cover many market needs. The new owner was able to pursue multiple strategies such as merchandising or launching new plugins. Furthermore, the team of developers and customer service members were keen to remain on board and get involved in the development of new features and plugins. This would make it a smooth transition for a new owner, setting them up to easily continue functioning as-is and giving them the ability to quickly scale should they want to continue building upon the foundation that the founders had laid.

How Can Your Find Your Own Success on Flippa?

Click here and browse eCommerce sites featuring digital products and services to find similar listings on Flippa.

https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-supsystic/feed/ 0
SELLER SUCCESS – Wild Hearts Romance https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-wild-hearts-romance/ https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-wild-hearts-romance/#respond Mon, 18 May 2020 02:30:00 +0000 https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-wild-hearts-romance/ In February, Wild Hearts Romance was sold on Flippa for $355,000. Here’s the story on how that success played out.

SOLD: $355,000

VIEWS: 6,317


About the Business

Created all the way back in January 2013, Wild Hearts Romance is an independent romance publisher operating on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and iBook store. The business essentially operates two separate revenue generating programs. Firstly, they own the copyright to over 200 different romance novels that they produce themselves. Secondly, the publish and distribute other romance novels, taking a 50% share of revenue.

As a fully digital business, the owners never have to worry about physical inventory or shipping and can sell the same product time and time again, never running out or having to work with suppliers to be sure that manufacturing schedules are on target. Having an email list of over 66,000 excited readers, Wild Hearts Romance was able to market their new releases successfully through this internal channel as well as social media, rarely needing to spend on advertising outside of the Amazon or iBook platforms themselves.

On top of being an evergreen industry, essentially recession proof (people will always be reading!), around 90% of the sales were from customers in the US. The monthly net profit was $16,380 and it was assumed that with the proper growth model put into place, there was no reason this profit couldn’t go even higher.

The Listing and It’s Success

Originally posted on Flippa at the beginning of the year, on January 9th 2020, the listing got excellent traction from the get go. As a unique and exciting business with a well written business listing, we weren’t surprised to see that it had over 6,200 views from eager members of the Flippa community along with 154 excited watchers and almost 100 discussions that had been started by interested buyers.

At the end of the month, being one of our own favorite listings of the month, Flippa featured the owner of the business on their live streamed Seller Showcase Webinar.

Wild Hearts Romance founder Kosta discusses his company with Flippa CEO Blake as it is currently up for sale on flippa.com

This was an opportunity for the business to be featured in a new way. Having the owner himself run through a presentation of their booming statistics and subsequently be interviewed by a member of the Flippa team gave potential buyers the chance to get to know the business on a visceral, human level. We often find that showcasing the people behind the listing is an important and evocative way to connect potential buyers with the business, making it more than just words on a screen. This is why Flippa runs such webinars and also offers Marketing Boosts that include personal video interviews as a part of the package.

Among all of the prospective buyers, a dozen people engaged in extensive reviews and negotiations with owners, performing due diligence so that they could fully understand each aspect of this unique business. The seller was a breeze to work with, happy to share all necessary information so that these feverish buyers could determine if the business was right for their portfolio.

All offers were discussed privately between the buyers and sellers and just 40 days after the listing was launched, a deal was reached for $355,000.

What Made This Listing So Compelling?

Wild Hearts Romance attracted a lot of attention, particularly for such a high value business in an industry that only a few entrepreneurs have experience operating.

All said and done, this was a unique opportunity to acquire a well-established business with rather incredible monthly income from two stable giants – Amazon and Apple – with an inventory of digital assets that could be sold time and time again.

The opportunity was a fit for an entrepreneur eager, excited to evaluate the current marketing and distribution channels and grow the business to the next level or for an investor looking for an easy to run business with a high level of automation that could be run by a small team of remote staff.

The new owner could take advantage of a proven model creating more content. Also, the buyer could explore other genres, monetize the email list with affiliate offers, and try other sales platforms. 

How can you find a similar site?

Click here for search results for all the current listings on Flippa that have to do with books! Feel free to use the filters on the left side to highlight the results based on your budget, the business’s monthly profit, or any other factors that might influence your decision.

https://flippa.com/blog/success-story-wild-hearts-romance/feed/ 0