From Yelp to Becoming an Acquisition Entrepreneur with Devon Wright

Devon is an accomplished entrepreneur and early stage investor, who previously spearheaded Yelp Restaurant Marketplaces. He recently acquired an asset on Flippa and has big ambitions to turn it into something special. Hear about his wealth of business expertise as he chats with Flippa CEO Blake Hutchison.

“I just believe that digital assets are going to be way more important in the future… I strongly believe that digital assets go up over time.”

As a child, Devon was always building things, but after business school he went against his nature and took a job in a bank. Whether it was the environment or the landscape in 2009, banking wasn’t for him. So he left to start his own business, a marketing tech company which he built up for five years, after which the business was acquired by Yelp.

He continued working for Yelp for a few years, and while he enjoyed it, he was starting to feel the entrepreneurial itch again.

“I started to look around for a digital asset that would give me the opportunity to build something while still working… I started looking for a site to acquire and that’s when I found Flippa.”

Having built and run companies in the past, Devon was more interested in how he could accelerate an existing business rather than starting from the ground up and putting in the 60+ hours a week that it takes to get a startup off the ground.

“Flippa did an amazing job pulling in the Shopify data, pulling in the Google Analytics data, pulling in tonnes of traffic data, so it was easy for me to have confidence that this is a real business..”

Watch more Humans of Flippa stories here.

    Brad Guy is a videographer and creative producer hailing from Melbourne, Australia. He loves capturing real human stories and bringing them to life through film and photography, with a coffee in hand while doing so.

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